Feb 15th, 2005 Joint Techs, SLC, UT 1 Passive Measurements on the Abilene Jörg Micheel
Feb 15th, 2005 Joint Techs, SLC, UT 2 Updates since Ohio (July ’04) Completion of Indianapolis router instrumentation (Nov’04 – Feb’05) Real time analysis application supporting operational and research requirements Operational data analysis on IPLS-CHIN since December 2004 (live demo) lambdaMON prototyping at CENIC/NLR Passive monitoring getting closer to your network and users – watch this space
Feb 15th, 2005 Joint Techs, SLC, UT 3 IPLS router instrumentation All 12 links instrumented Eight machines: three OC192MONs, one OC48MON, one 2OC12MON, one 2OC3MON, two 2GIGEMON, CDMA time synchronization via Praecis Ct and TDS-24 Planned to stay there for the lifetime of the backbone Took 2 ½ years of planning and preparation Excellent support from Internet2 and Indiana GlobalNOC Platform for a variety of research works
Feb 15th, 2005 Joint Techs, SLC, UT 4
Feb 15th, 2005 Joint Techs, SLC, UT 5 Network configuration
Feb 15th, 2005 Joint Techs, SLC, UT 6 Real Time Analysis Collaborative effort with University of Leipzig, Germany Computing about one dozen parameters in real time at line rate, at 10 Gigabit links Proprietary light weight protocol for data transfer across the network to central archive RRD based storage/retrieval Web based user interface, intervals of 5 minutes to one year Optional JAVA interface Experimental plug-ins: TCP state monitoring, P2P traffic measurements, IPv6 support, Abilene NMS support Stress tests during Supercomputing 2004 Operational trials using IPLS-CHIN since December ‘04
Feb 15th, 2005 Joint Techs, SLC, UT 7
Feb 15th, 2005 Joint Techs, SLC, UT 8 Real time during SC’04 (1)
Feb 15th, 2005 Joint Techs, SLC, UT 9 Real time during SC’04 (2)
Feb 15th, 2005 Joint Techs, SLC, UT 10 lambdaMON prototyping (1) Joint engagement with CENIC and National LambdaRail to build passive monitoring instrumentation for DWDM optical networks Phase 1 (lab tests) done in October 2004 — successful Phase 2 (field trial) scheduled for March 2005 at the CENIC Los Angeles node
Feb 15th, 2005 Joint Techs, SLC, UT 11 lambdaMON prototyping (2)
Feb 15th, 2005 Joint Techs, SLC, UT 12 Passive Internet Analysis Nodes Based on the idea of POP instrumentation Cost effective reconfigurable distributed passive monitoring facility Service benefits to all US research networks – near ubiquitous Please come and talk to us if you are interested in collaborating!
Feb 15th, 2005 Joint Techs, SLC, UT 13 Acknowledgements Matt Zekauskas, Rick Summerhill, Internet2 Caroline Carver, John Hicks, Indiana GlobalNOC Klaus Degner, Klaus Mochalski, University of Leipzig, Germany Dave Reese, Darrell Newcomb, CENIC Jim Hale, NLANR/MNA, SDSC/UCSD
Feb 15th, 2005 Joint Techs, SLC, UT 14 References