Case Study of Project Addressing Inequity Sumrana Yasmin
Equity is about bridging gaps Collective strength of all stakeholders
Right to Health Care Rights are universal; apply to rich and poor; men and women; adults and children in all settings Huge inequity is evident - minimum levels of care being unavailable Influencing factors: Health policies; economic structures; urban rural divide; living and working conditions; cultural, social and community influences; and gender
Low Vision - Coverage Less than 5% in Asia Less than 1% in Africa Better in Europe, Australia and USA but still less than 30% Both a cause and consequence of poverty Geographical coverage! Concerted efforts - interventions directed towards the reduction of inequity
Sri Lanka – National Low Vision Program Started in Provision of quality and effective clinical and rehabilitation services NLVP was launched in 2007 by MoH and supported by Sightsavers and Brien Holden Vision Institute To develop LV care as part of CEC and create the necessary linkages with other services i.e. education, rehabilitation and social services
Significant progress has been made Ten secondary level clinics Linked to the four tertiary clinics Three LV resource centres 7,749 (877, 11% children) have received low vision services Approx. 5 folds increase in last 5 years Number is incrementally increasing Sri Lanka – National Low Vision Program
Cross-referral within clinical, education, and rehab/disability services Foundation for scale up Next phase focus: Integration of LV into CBR program Engagement with MoE Addition of LV services into VCs Self-help groups
Addressing inequity Ownership HSS is the foundation LV services at district hospitals and are easily accessible Free provision of spectacles and LVDs Awareness about the services is trickling down from health professional to educators to communities
Strategies Strategies will vary - there are some principles that apply across Include comprehensive low vision care in national eye health plans Cross-sectoral collaboration Health, education, rehabilitation, social services Innovative partnerships at various levels Policy Planning and implementation
Strategies Create peer support groups and role model Lead to enabling environment for quality inclusive systems Promote equity and equality Ensure that we reach the un-reach