Helen Zhang – Assistant Professor Research Overview: Development of environmental (bio)technologies for pollution control and sustainable development of natural resources in Arctic/Northern Regions R&D Interests and Expertise available: Offshore/shoreline/onshore oil spill response - Biodispersants and associated technologies for offshore oil spill response - Microbial and biosurfactant-enhanced shoreline/onshore remediation technologies Oil-water separation - Biodemulsifiers and associated demulsifying technology
Reservior souring control - Bacterial quanlification/quantification technology for reservoir monitoring - Offshore reservoir souring control technology based on lab ‐ scale investigation of NRB/SRB interaction and system optimization Industrial wastewater treatment - Ozonation/ photodegradtion/fenton oxidation as a treatment option for marine oily wastewater treatment Solid waste composting - Fish waste composting technology and multiple applications of generated composts Northern environmental studies Helen Zhang – Assistant Professor
Contact Information: Phone Webhttp:// NRPOP lab: 1 st of its kind in Atlantic Canada targeting sustainable development of natural resources in cold regions Lab: NRPOP (