O.J. Simpson: Criminal Profile “I’m absolutely, 100 percent, not guilty. -O. J. “The Juice” Simpson
Basic Background: Born in San Francisco ▫ July 9, 1947 Retired Football player. ▫played for Buffalo Bills and 49ers for 11 years ▫first player to rush for more than 2000 yards in a season Career as broadcaster and actor. ▫played in The Naked Gun trilogy ▫started film production company, Orenthal Productions Parents separated. ▫lived with his mother
Legal History Charged for the murder of his wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman in ▫considered “trial of the century” ▫acquitted of charges
Most Recent Crime: Las Vegas Robbery, Kidnapping, Coercion, and Conspiracy September Group of men led by Simpson broke into the Palace Station Hotel and stole sports memorabilia at gun point. Simpson admitted to taking the items which he said had been stolen from him, but denied breaking in and carrying a gun. Audio tape of Simpson at the crime scene. Arrested two days later, held without bail. Charged with multiple felony counts, including criminal conspiracy, kidnapping, assault, robbery, and using a deadly weapon. Incarcerated at Lovelock Correctional Center for 33 years with possibility of parole after 9, in 2017.
Cultural References Wrote a book about the murder trials of Brown and Goldman titled If I Did it: Confessions of a Killer. Was in various movies and T.V. shows.
Deviant Behavior Theory The reasoning for the robbery was personal gain although, I can’t tell you why he potentially murdered his wife and friend. O.J. Simpson had been in the lime light for most of his life, maybe the fame got to him. The sociological theory and bad labeling might explain his behavior. After the murder trials society had been increasingly negative to O.J. I’m not trying to justify what had been done, I’m just saying it’s not right for everyone to be put under that much pressure at once.