Wi-Fi Interface for medical devices Academic Supervisor- Prof.Karen Reynolds Industrial Supervisor- Mrs Jodie Hobbs
AIM-To send the physiological data wirelessly into the iPhone /iPad / computer with the help of Wi-Fi FBE built sensors e.g. ECG, temperature
Why using Wi-Fi communication ? Four different ways to send data into iPod /iPad By using 30 pin dock connector Headphone jack Bluetooth Wi-Fi
Evaluation Board( Serial2 Wi-Fi ) host Client
Testing of Evaluation Board
My Project Computer with simple terminal PROTOTYPE
Block Diagram + PIC18F13K22 Master Gain Span GS1011M (slave) Battery Flinders Biomedical Built sensors Eg-temperature, ECG Adhoc oscillator ADC SPI
Specification of Wi-Fi module(GS1011M) Power- 3.3V (low power) Processor -2.4GHz Data Rate- 11,5,2,1Mbps Standard= b/g/n Interface-SPI (master/slave mode), UART,ADC Operation mode- Adhoc, infrastructure Crystal oscillator-44 MHz XTAL
Compatible with any 8/16/32 microcontrollers Power consumption- Standby/Deep sleep- 7μA/150μA 11Mb/sec- 140mA Cost- $29.95 (US) Availability Continue- Specifications
Specifications of PIC18F13K22 Voltage – (max:5.5V,min:1.8V) Clock frequency – 64MHz Interface- SPI, I2C, EUSART Flash Memory Size- 8KB Cost- $6.87 (AUD) At 3.3V, the oscillator can run 64 MHz Frequency between (-40 to 85 degree C) Current = 15.4mA (Run Supply mode at 64 MHz Internal oscillator)
Setting an Adhoc Network In an Adhoc network,the stations are directly connect to each other. AT+NDHCP=0; AT +NSET=? Set the IP address of wireless connection to the same subset mask Set the IBSS, note the SSID used AT+WA=IBSS ; AT+NSUDP=10;
Flow chart for Sending Data Command Processing Read CID Valid? Read Characters Transmit Data Input Sensors SPI NO Yes Esc U Esc C
SPI – used as communication protocol start Set up variables Configure SPI Load SSPBUF With Data to send Check if SPI transfer complete Did the SPI transfer Complete Read & Clear Data in SSPBUF Increment counter & Wait NOYES
Conclusion Low power and high- performance wireless data communication system will be designed with the help of low- power transceiver. Allows medical parameters transmission Accurate Easy to use Timely data to users
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