Contract number: EIE/05/141/SI Duration: from 01/10/2007 to 31/12/ /02/2008 ANDEAN ENERGY HUB ANDENERGY
ANDENERGY aims to support the establishment of the Andean Energy Hub and the enforcement of energy-poverty policies. The ANDENERGY partners are European and Latin American Universities, NGO, Andean Community. ANDENERGY engaged various actors, (international, national, and regional institutions, non governmental and civil society organizations, universities, etc) undertaking national and specific case- studies analysis (three regions and nine local communities). ANDENERGY identified many financial, political and technical actions to energize extremely poor areas in Andean countries. PROJECT SUMMARY
BACKGROUND A number of financial, regulatory and technical barriers keep excluding the poorest (respectively in Ecuador 3.3, and in Peru 6.2 million people have no access to basic services). Indeed the lack of basic energy services (cooking, heating, water supply, lighting, communication, refrigeration) causes and deepens a lower quality of life, poor medical care and education. The addressed question is how to deliver basic energy services to rural and marginal-urban areas in a sustainable and sustained manner. The traditional centralized approach failed to energize isolated and depressed areas for which the participatory process represents the ultimate methodology. The proposed way to escape this trap is through providing energy services in a case specific manner, avoiding the fallacy of one solution fits (almost) all of the traditional approach.
OBJECTIVES Identification of energy chains: market (policies and regulations, trade and investments), resources, conversions, distributions, demands and access. Assessment and perspectives of energy chains: socioeconomic impacts, efficiency, implementations and strategies Determination of main possible actions for the promotion of renewable energies and access to energy services for poverty alleviation. Implementation of Capacity-building and technology transfer for the Andean communities’ members. Integration of energy planners and experts.
RESULTS More than 500 pages of reports have been written and more than 100 important documents and 200 important contacts were collected, more than 90 visits, 8 field trips, 6 meetings-workshops and 2 final conferences were made. Many ANDENERGY indications were applied by Ecuador and Peru governments. The Rural Electrification Plans now include Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs) systems and off grid projects indicating RETs as the best alternative and an analysis of current and potential RETs installations is taking off. In December 2007 the Peruvian Ministry of Energy published a technical guide for the installation of domestic PV systems. The involved actors are implementing energy capacity building activities (conferences, courses, guidelines, etc) and demonstrative and research projects of RETs systems (micro hydro, solar thermal, photovoltaic, wind and geothermal systems; anaerobic digesters for humid waste, combustor and gasifier for dry waste, etc).
PARTNERS & CONTACTS CIRPS, Interuniversity Research Centre for Sustainable Development, University of Rome “La Sapienza”. ITALY IST, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, PORTUGAL ESPOL, Escuela Politecnica del Litoral, Guayaquil, ECUADOR CIDES, Universidad Católica de Chiclayo “Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo”, Lambayeque, PERU ENERGY, Sección Energía, Universidad de Piura, PERU CAN Comunidad Andina de Naciones, Lima, PERU ECO Centro de Ecología y Género, Chiclayo, PERU MUCHIK CORP S.A.C., Lima, PERU Coordinator Fabio Orecchini Piazza San Pietro in vincoli 10, Roma Tel: