Jesse L. Clark 1, Jerome T. Galea 1, Hector J. Salvatierra 2, Kelika A. Konda 1, Alex Carballo-Dieguez 3, Thomas J. Coates 1, Carlos F. Caceres 2 1. Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases and Program in Global Health, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; 2. Unidad de Salud, Sexualidad y Derechos Humanos, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru; 3. HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies, Columbia University/New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, NY Contact Information: Jesse L. Clark, MD Introduction Objective Methods Results (1) Conclusions CHARACTERISTICS OF LUBRICANT USE AMONG PERUVIAN MEN WHO HAVE SEX WITH MEN The HIV epidemic in Peru is concentrated within the risk group of men who have sex with men (MSM), suggesting anal intercourse is a central mechanism for HIV transmission in the area. No data has been published concerning lubricant use during anal intercourse among MSM in Latin America. Future use of rectal microbicides during sexual intercourse will likely be influenced by current patterns of lubricant use. Design of an acceptable rectal microbicide formulation will depend on the preferred characteristics of different lubricants used during anal intercourse. To determine current practices related to lubricant use during anal intercourse, and preferred physical characteristics of sexual lubricants among MSM in Peru. A convenience sample of 273 MSM were recruited from an STI clinic in Lima, Peru. Only the 157 men who reported using lubricant during anal intercourse “Sometimes” or “Always” were included in further analyses. Participants completed a survey using a Computer-Assisted Self- Interviewing (CASI) system. Participants who reported using lubricant “Sometimes” or “Always” during anal intercourse (receptive or insertive) were asked a series of questions concerning specific lubricant use preferences. Participants were also asked a series of questions related to specific lubricant use practices during receptive anal intercourse only. MSM in Peru expressed no clear preferences with regard to the physical characteristics of lubricants used for anal intercourse. Though patterns of lubricant use vary, most men who use lubricant during receptive anal intercourse do not consider the process of applying lubricant to be a significant interruption to sexual activity. Results (2) Lubricant Preferences: The majority of participants expressed no preference with regard to the taste, smell, color, or viscosity of lubricants used during anal intercourse (Figures 1a-1d). Fig. 1a. Taste Fig. 1b. Odor Fig. 1c. Color Fig. 1d. Consistency Fig. 2a. Who Applies the Lubricant During Receptive Anal Sex Fig. 2b. When Lubricant Is Applied Fig. 2c. Where Lubricant Is Applied Patterns of Lubricant Use During Receptive Anal Intercourse Patterns of lubricant application during receptive anal intercourse are described in Figures 2a-2c. The majority of MSM surveyed (78.9%; 109/138) reported reapplying lubricant at least once during intercourse following the initial application. Most (84.7%; 133/157) MSM who use lubricant during receptive anal intercourse said that applying lubricant did not interrupt sexual activity. Only 1.3% (2/157) considered the process of applying lubricant an annoying interruption to sexual intercourse.