Intercontinental RIPESS, Latin America & Caribbean May 2010
Intercontinental RIPESS Lima - Peru, July 1997: I International Simposium “Globalization of Solidarity”; 235 participants of 32 countries, agreed on the Lima Declaration’s commitment: “Strengthen and develop civil society with multiple actors, who will fulfill the commitments at the national and international level”. Quebec – Canada, October 2001, the dialogue continues in the II Meeting “Globalization of Solidarity”. A decision was made to form an International Liaisons Committee to support the preparation of the next Meeting in Dakar 2005 and to strengthen linkages between organizations.
December, 2002, in Dakar, the International Liaisons Committee decided to support the priorities of Lima-Quebec-Dakar with the creation of the Intercontinental Network to Promote the Social and Solidarity Economy (RIPESS). Formal incorporation of RIPESS on January 28, 2004 in Canada by 4 national networks: Groupe d’Économie Solidaire du Québec (GESQ), Canadian Community Economic Development Network (CCEDNET), Grupo Red de Economía Solidaria del Perú (GRESP) y Groupe Sénégalais d’Économie Sociale et Solidaire (GSESS). November, 2005, III International Meeting “Globalization of Solidarity”in Dakar – Senegal, to support the work of the people, the meeting analyzed solidarity economy practises and their context to define strategies of effective promotion. Intercontinental RIPESS
April, 2009, IV International Meeting of RIPESS “Globalization of Solidarity” in Luxemburg. 700 people participated from 55 countries. It was evident the potential of the social and solidarity economy to face the global crisis. The V Meeting of RIPESS will be in Philippines, Asia, in RIPESS is made up of networks, and social and solidarity economy organizations in the five continents. Intercontinental RIPESS
Latin American and Caribbean RIPESS October, 2004, Lima – Perú: the Table of Latin American Co- ordination of Fair Trade was created (TLACFT). September, 2005, Cochabamba – Bolivia: I Latin American Meeting on Solidarity Economy and Fair Trade, convened by TLACFT and Andean RIPESS, organized by RENACC La Paz and CECI Bolivia, to prepare for Dakar November, 2005, Dakar – Senegal: III International Meeting of RIPESS. All Latin American participants voted for representatives to the Board of Directors of RIPESS: Network Group of Solidarity Economy of Peru (Grupo Red de Economía Solidaria del Perú GRESP) and Fórum Brasileiro de Economia Solidária (FBES).
February, 2007, La Habana, Cuba: II Latin American Meeting of Solidarity Economy and Fair Trade, organized by GRESP and La Habana University. A strategic action plan was achieved for Latin AMerican RIPESS November, 2007, Lima + 10 Meeting: Workshop on Institutional Development of Latin American RIPESS, with representatives of the members’ networks and other invited networks. A Principles Charter and an Action Plan for 2 years were approved. October, 2008, III Latin American Meeting on Solidarity Economy and Fair Trade to prepare for Luxemburg. Latin American and Caribbean RIPESS
April, 2009, Luxemburg: two new representatives to the Board of Directors were chosen: Rel-UITA and Solidarity Economy of Santiago de Chile. IV Latin American Meeting on Solidarity Economy and Fair Trade will be on July 21-24, 2010 in Medellín – Colombia. Info:
Current Membership of Latin American and Caribbean RIPESS Partner members: 7 National Networks and 3 Regional Networks Bolivia: Solidarity Economy and Fair Trade Movement Brasil: Brazilian Forum on Solidarity Economy (FBES) Chile: Santiago Solidarity Economy Network Colombia: National Table of Co-operative Work México: Space ECOSOL México and Fair Trade México Perú: Network Group of Solidarity Economy of Peru (GRESP). Latin America: Latin American Co-ordination Table of Fair Trade Latin American Regional of International Union of Food, Agriculture, Hotels, Restaurants, and Tobacco Workers (Rel- UITA) Latin American Co-ordinator of Small Producers of Fair Trade from Latin American and Caribbean (CLAC).
Associate Members 10 national or regional organizations Argentina: Fair Trade and Responsible Consum Institute (ICECOR); Buenos Aires Movilization of World Social Forum in Argentina; “Undertake” Association of Mendoza. Colombia: National Council of Solidarity Economy of Cauca Valley (CONES) Cuba: Research Centre of World Economy - CIEM Ecuador: Gruppo Salinas Panamá: Interamerican Co-operative Institute (ICI) Uruguay: Fair Trade Uruguay Venezuela: Formation, Information and Publications Team -EFIP Latin American Network of Solidarity Economy - Red LASES (Located in Argentina)