Luís Moura – ZON Multimédia Lisbon, 10th of April 2011 SINTTAV SEMINAR Promote Industrial Relations In Telecom Sector Anticipating, Preparing and Managing Change
2 The development of the tablet: slow and fast 190 BC 2010 XIX Century
3 The difference between fast and extremely fast
4 What really drived sustained growth?
5 What can we learn from generation Y (born between 82-95) GY is confident at a time of high anxiety GY values opportunity over job security
6 What can we learn from generation Y (born between 82-95) GY prefer responsability earlier GY trust superior and wants to work with them
7 What can we learn from generation Y (born between 82-95) GY are future oriented GY is highly collaborative GY trust and respect authority so long they are competent, ethical and authentic GY is fundamentally different from other generation
8 Team work … past generations?
9 A Vision …. By 2015, 5bn people will be connected by communications Mobile and fixed broadband availability will explode Network traffic will grow a hundredfold, capacity must keep pace New business models based on innovative thinking will be needed
10 Top revenue generators in entertainment & media Importance of service for generating revenues (%) TV services are predicted to become the most important revenue generator for the mobile content industry in five years time, coming after Communities and followed by Music and Games. Communities & TV fulfill many of our deepest human needs and have become an important part of the lifestyle of millions of people
11 New players and business opportunities in interactivity ecosystem Interactive Application Advertiser Consumer Brands Content Aggregators "Usage Patterns" Market Research Institutes Content Producers Broadcaster ISP / Fixed Carrier Devices Mobile Network Operators Interactive Application Interactive Channel Provider "consume" "create & share content" "interact with the program" End User Right Owners Content Providers TV Channels Interactivity brings Telco & Media industry together and enables new business
12 Changes affecting the workplace Heightened global competition Flattened management hierarchies Expanded team-based management Innovative communication technologies New work environments Higher skill, more services, more knowledge work Increasingly diverse workforce Age, sex, values, contingent, international, …
13 Stated more simply MORE work LESS time FEWER people and resources FASTER change MORE competition “HARDER” work Did I leave anything out …?
14 How to manage life with the company principles? Approach Learn and Understand Plan and Control Management Team Size the opportunity Think behind the obvious Identify weaknesses Having a plan B Brand and Image Everything changes with the time Discipline Governance
15 Plugging the digital gap with our children Seniors are being “educated” by children The digital Gap Natural digital awareness amongst entry level joiners
16 What are the digital competencies? 20% new skills 80% new skills Technical literacy Analytical dexterity Customer centricity Change perpetuator Collaborator/connector Tester/ learning agility
17 Something never change … … but rules can be broken
18 Thank you for your kind attention