ECE 103 Engineering Programming Chapter 40 C Graphing Libraries Herbert G. Mayer, PSU CS Status 6/4/2014 Initial content copied verbatim from ECE 103 material developed by Professor Phillip PSU ECE
Syllabus DISLIN
2 Plotting Libraries Support for plotting numeric data in C is provided by various external libraries. From: NCAR PGPLOT PLplot Plotutils DISLIN gnuplot (not a library but accepts piped data)
3 DISLIN DISLIN is a high level cross-platform library of functions that display data graphically. Homepage: Setup Instructions for GCC and Visual C are available on the course website: Link: Course Software → DISLIN Graphics Library Note: DISLIN is free for non-commercial use only.
4 From the DISLIN website: The library contains the following features: Plotting of 2-D and 3-D systems with linearly or logarithmically scaled axes. Plotting of curves. Several curves can appear in one axis system and can be differentiated by color, line style and pattern. Multiple axis system can be displayed on a page. Elementary plot routines for lines, vectors and outlined or filled regions such as rectangles, circles, arcs, ellipses and polygons. 9 software fonts where each font provides 6 alphabets. PostScript fonts and TrueType fonts for Windows displays can be used. The different alphabets contain Roman, Greek, and mathematical characters. Contouring Business graphics. Elementary image routines