By: Eva Mondragon
Why was Gandhi considered a leader? Gandhi helped free India from British rule. He had a method of non violent resistance, which many preferred to follow. Gandhi never gave up on his goal on freeing India which showed his determination.
Who Followed Gandhi? Gandhi was followed by both people from the Hindu and Muslim religion. After his death many people kept following his beliefs of peace and equality.
What distinguished Gandhi from other “Leaders” Gandhi was against any type of violence Instead of causing fear he showed others how to master it. Didn’t start wars, he wanted to prevent them
Gandhi’s Leadership Years In 1915, after trips around Europe Gandhi returned to India to begin his fight for freedom. Gandhi fought until his death in 1948.
Gandhi’s real name was Mohandas K. Gandhi. Mahatma was a name given to him by his followers which means “Great Soul”. Till this day he is known as Mahatma Gandhi.
What Made Gandhi Attractive to Others? Positive Traits: Peaceful Fearless Hopeful Negative Traits Very persistent which made him annoying to some
Background Gandhi was born on October 2,1869. He was raised in the Hindu religion. He was married at the age of 14 and had four children out of the marriage. He studied law in London but when he tried to work in the field it didn’t work out for him.
How his background affected him His religion taught him about equality He was guided by things he learned while studying law
Gandhi’s Fall From Power Gandhi was assassinated by Nathuram Godse on January30,1948 He was shot three times when he attended his last daily prayer meeting. Even after his death Gandhi continued to influence many with his example.
References: analysis-the-man-who-killed-gandhi analysis-the-man-who-killed-gandhi leadership.html leadership.html The World Book Encyclopedia World Book G World Book Inc.