Problem What affect does gender have on favorite music?
Introduction Have you ever wondered why some kinds of music are more popular than others? Have you wondered if gender has and affect on favorite music?
Background Information Some of the different types of songs may have an effect on rhythm tonality, vocal harmonies, and the sounds of instruments. There are 2,000 focus traits, and that means things that make up music.
Hypothesis I think the guys will like faster beats rather than slower beats, and the girls will like maybe in between fast speed and slow speed.
Materials A computer Pandora Notecards 5 Boys 5 Girls
Procedure First you have 5 boys and 5 girls. Next you have them type in a song that they like. Then you let them listen to songs that pandora finds for you. Finally you compare observations and see what girls like more and what boys like more.
Major Observations There was more variety in girls and in guys. Most of the people that I tested, the music they like had to do with the vocal harmony. The girls liked more of electronica influences, rather than the boys. Electronica influences are the sounds that people put on a song that make it have an echo or other sound effects.
Results In the boys and girls there wasn’t much of a difference, but there was many that had to do with how the singer’s voice sounded like in song.
Conclusion My hypothesis was incorrect, because I thought there would be a difference between boy and girls. There was many of the same things of each gender.
Works Cited Mrs. Riffel for helping me use Pandora. "Pandora Radio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar "Pandora Radio - Listen to Free Internet Radio, Find New Music." Pandora Radio - Listen to Free Internet Radio, Find New Music. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Mar