Rule 8: FREE THROW BALL AT THE DISPOSAL The ball shall be bounced to the free thrower or it shall be placed on the floor at the free throw line
The 10 Second Count The 10-second count shall begin once the ball is at the disposal of the free thrower The try for goal shall be made within 10 seconds after the ball has been placed at the disposal of the free thrower at the free throw line. This shall apply to each free throw. The 10-second count is a visible count, but it is a “wrist flick” not a full arm swing. Use the hand which is closest to the division line The outside official who is opposite the table is responsible for the visible count
Resuming Play after a Time Out Resuming play procedure can only be used following a time-out Either/both teams may be charged with a violation during procedure Administrating official sounds whistle to indicate play will resume If free-thrower is in semi-circle, the ball is bounced to the free thrower, whether or not Team B is occupying their required lower lane spaces If Team B is not occupying the lower lane spaces and Team A’s free throw is successful, there has been no violation. However, if the free throw was unsuccessful, a VIOLATION shall be called on Team B, thus allowing a substitute free throw Once either team violates, any further delay by that team(s) is a technical foul If the free thrower is NOT in semi-circle, the administering official shall place the ball on the floor at the free throw line and the 10 sec. Count shall begin
Resuming Play after a Time Out Once the ball is at the disposal of the free thrower… “no player shall enter or leave a marked lane space or enter or leave the free throw semi-circle” (Clarification) If This occurs, a violation shall be called. The only way for Team A to avoid a violation in this situation, is to request and be granted a time- out. If Team A does NOT receive a time-out and the 10 sec. count is reached, Team A has violated and so has Team B, IF they were not occupying their required lower lane spaces (double violations)
Position of Players When Lane Spaces May Be Occupied During a free throw all players will move up one marked lane space, leaving the two spaces closest to the end line vacant. A new mark two inches by eight inches must re- applied to the lane line near the free throw line to designate the last three foot marked lane space. One opponent of the free thrower shall occupy each of the lane spaces adjacent to the end line. The rules book states, “…unless the resuming play procedure is in effect.” This allows the official to resume play without allowing Team B to delay the game. The lane space adjacent to the end line shall be referred to as lane space #1 and shall never be occupied by a teammate of the free thrower. The next lane space is #2. This space may be occupied by a teammate of the free thrower. If Team A desires not to occupy lane space #2 on each or either side… Team B is allowed to occupy that space. The opponent of the free thrower may occupy lane space #3. If team B desires not to occupy lane space #3 on each/either side, Team A is allowed to occupy that space. Maximum DEFENSIVE = 4, Maximum OFFENSE = 2 If Team B has only three players along the lane, Max for Team A is still 2 Each lane space is 3 feet square!!!
Position of Players When Lane Spaces May Be Occupied Only one person may occupy any part of a lane space Any player, other than the free thrower, who does not occupy a marked lane space, must be behind the free throw line extended and the three point line. The free thrower shall receive the ball and release the free throw while inside the semi-circle. The free thrower shall not allow either foot to cross the vertical plane of the free throw line or semi-circle until the ball touches the ring or backboard or until the free throw ends.
Position of Player When Lane Spaces May Not Be Occupied Players are not allowed to occupy lane spaces during free throws if the ball is to become dead when the last free throw is unsuccessful These players must be behind the free throw line extended and the three-point line
Free Throws for Personal Fouls The offended player shall attempt the free throws for personal fouls If such player must withdraw because of injury or disqualification, his substitute shall attempt the free throws If there are no substitutes available, any teammate may attempt the free throws
Free Throws for Technical Fouls Any eligible team member, including a sub or designated starter, may attempt the free throws awarded because of a technical foul Players are never allowed to occupy lane spaces during free throws for a technical foul, because the ball will become dead once the last free throw ends
Resuming Play with a Throw-in When the last free throw is successful, the ball shall be put in play by a throw-in If the throw-in is by the opponent of the free thrower, the throw-in shall be from anywhere along the end line. The lead official need not handle the ball If the throw in is by the free thrower’s team, the throw-in will be from a designated spot nearest to where the intentional or flagrant foul occurred If the throw-in is following free throws for a technical foul, the throw-in shall be from a designated spot on the sideline opposite the table.
Resuming Play on a Missed Last Free Throw If the last free throw for a personal foul, other than intentional or flagrant, is unsuccessful, the ball will remain alive
Multiple Free Throws for both Personal and Technical Fouls A multiple throw is a succession of free throws attempted by the same team If there is a multiple throw and both a personal and technical foul are involved, the free throws are attempted in the order in which they were called Since no players are lined up on the lane during free throws for a technical, intentional or flagrant foul, the ball shall be put in play by a throw-in
Positions for Officials During All Free Throws LEAD 2 Person Crew: Approximately 4 feet from the nearer lane line and well off the end line (Table side) Trail 2 Person Crew: Just behind the free throw line extended and halfway between the nearer free throw lane and the nearest side line (Opposite the table)
Responsibilities for each Official During Free Throws LEAD Secure the ball See that all lane spaces are properly occupied Take a final look at the table Step into the lane and visually & verbally indicate the number of free throws Bounce ball to free thrower Stand about 4’ from nearer lane line and well off the end line Watch the first lane space on the near lane and all lane spaces on the opposite side for violations Give the appropriate signal when either team violates If the final throw is followed by a throw-in, Signal to start the clock a the proper time
Responsibilities for each Official During Free Throws 2 Person Trail/Center: See that all lane spaces are properly occupied Take a final look at the table Observe the position of the throwers feet Do the 10 sec. Count (wrist flick, away hand) Show the “stop the clock” signal using the hand nearest the division line Step toward the end line as the free thrower releases the ball Observe as to whether the ball goes through, contacts, misses the ring Watch for goaltending and/or basket interference Observe the free thrower for violations Signal to start the clock when last throw is missed
Responsibilities for each Official During Free Throws 3-Person Trail See that all lane spaces are properly occupied Take a final look at the table Make sure that the correct player attempts the free throw Assist with free throw violations Step toward end line on release & officiate rebounding action (2-person trail must also officiate rebounding action)