SMALL CALIBER Advanced Planning Briefing to Industry (APBI) 13 February 2002 Mr. Mike Richard Lake City/Small Cal Division Lead Engineer/Project Manager SOSMA-PRS (309) DSN
Agenda Green Ammo ACQUISITION STRATEGIES Small Cal Division Structure
Green Ammo Background Small caliber ammunition contains Ozone Depleting Chemicals, Volatile Organic Compounds and toxic heavy metals High rates of production result in large quantities of waste which require treatment and disposal Treatment and disposal is costly to manufacturing facility and is included in cost of the ammunition Heavy metals have negative impact on both indoor and outdoor ranges FY94 – FY01 Heavy Metal Averages (5.56mm/7.62mm/Cal.50): Projectiles (Lead-Antimony): 2.5M lbs 1,250 Tons Primers (Barium, Antimony, Lead): 25,700 lbs Tons
5.56mm M855 Ball cartridge completed Effort initiated ’96 with SERDP Funding Intended to be invisible to the Users. Use existing Specification Requirements Two candidates qualified Field Tested Stewart River, Alaska MMR, Camp Edwards Projectile Core Replacement Efforts
M855, 5.56mm projectile is in production with a lead-free core M855, 5.56mm Bullet Assembly
Green Ammo - ACQUISITION STRATEGIES ATK/LCAAP is the prime contractor M855, 5.56mm is production - Army plans to only procure Green M855 starting in FY mm, M856 Tracer - Army plans to fund Low Rate Production effort in FY02 - Production ramp-up starting in FY mm, M80 Ball and M62 Tracer - Army plans to fund Low Rate Production effort in FY02 - Production ramp-up starting in FY03
ACQUISITION STRATEGIES Items Managed; 5.56mm, 7.62mm, Cal.50, Cal.30 Blank Facility: Lake City AAP, Independence MO Contractor: Alliant TechSystems 10 year FFP with ATK FY99 – FY08 Items Managed 9mm and Shot Shells Facility: Olin East Alton Contractor: Olin Winchester 5 year requirements contract FY 01 - FY 05 Volumes procured: 500M - 750M annually Annual program value: Average 25% of total ammo budget Customers: USA, USMC, USAF, USN, FMS, DOE, DOI, FBI, CID, MDW, USCG
LCAAP/Small Cal Ammo Division Ms. Rhonda VandeCasteele Small Cal/Lake City Division Chief MR. Michael Richard Lead Engineer/Project Manager Green Ammo, 300 Win Mag Ms. Patricia McKenna Project Manager 9mm, 5.56mm, 45cal, 30 cal Ms. Nancy Busch Project Manager 7.62mm, Shot Shells,.50 Cal Mr. Mark Haldeman PCO – Small Cal Ammo Mr. Gerald Strahl ARDEC Representative/Liaison