Solid and Hazardous Waste Chapter 21 “Solid wastes are only raw materials we’re too stupid to use.” Arthur C. Clarke
Key Concepts Types and amounts of wastes Methods to reduce waste Methods of dealing with waste Hazardous waste regulation in the US
Wasting Resources Industrial and agriculture waste Municipal solid waste Fig. 21-2, pg. 526 US: 1,600 lb/person
Hazardous Wastes Contains one or more of 39 identified compounds Catches fire easily Reactive or explosive Corrodes metal containers
NOT Hazardous Wastes Radioactive wastes Household wastes Mining wastes Oil and gas drilling wastes Liquids containing organic hydrocarbons Cement kiln dust < 100 kg (220 lb) per month
Producing Less Waste and Pollution Waste management (high waste approach) Burying, burning, shipping Waste prevention (low waste approach) Reduce, reuse, recycle Chemical or biological treatment Burial
Dealing with Material Use and Wastes Fig. 21-3, pg 528
Dealing with Hazardous Wastes Fig. 21-4, pg 530
Solutions: Cleaner Production Ecoindustrial revolution Industrial ecology Closed material cycles Wastes become raw materials Biomimicry Refer to Solutions p. 533
Solutions: Selling Services Instead of Things Service-flow economy Uses a minimum amount of material Products last longer Products are easier to maintain, repair, and recycle Customized services needed by customers See Individuals Matter, pg. 534
Reuse See Solutions pg. 535 Extends resource supplies Maintains high-quality matter Reduced energy use Refillable beverage containers Reusable shipping containers and grocery bags
Recycling Fig. 21-6, p 535 Primary (closed-loop) Post consumer waste Secondary (open loop)
Characteristics of Recyclable Materials Easily isolated from other waste Available in large quantities Valuable Pay-as-you-throw garbage collection
Benefits of Recycling Fig pg. 536
Recycling in the US Centralized recycling of mixed waste (MRFs) Separated recycling Economic benefits Increasing recycling in the US See Case Study pg. 540
Case Studies: Recycling Aluminum, Wastepaper, and Plastics 40% of aluminum recycled in US Recycled aluminum uses over 90% fewer resources Paper: preconsumer vs. postconsumer recycling 10% or less of plastic recycled in US Plastics can be very difficult to recycle
Detoxifying Wastes Bioremediation Microorganisms break down wastes Phytoremediation Removal of wastes from the soil
Burning Wastes Mass burn incineration Air pollution Waste to energy Fig , pg. 543
Burying Wastes Sanitary landfill Leachate collection Monitoring wells Emit greenhouse gases (CO 2 and methane) Space near where waste is produced
Sanitary Landfill Fig , pg. 544
Deep-well Disposal Fig , pg. 546
Hazardous Waste Landfill Fig , pg. 547
Above Ground Hazardous Waste Disposal Fig , pg. 547
Exporting Wastes Shipping to developing countries Potentially huge profits for exporters Basel Convention on Hazardous Waste Many developing countries refusing wastes
Case Studies: Lead Lead poisoning major problem in children Leaded gasoline (phased out by 1986) Lead paint (banned in 1970) Lead in plastics Lead in plumbing Progress is being made in reducing lead Primary Sources of Lead
Case Studies: Mercury Vaporized elemental Mercury Fish contaminated with methyl mercury Natural inputs Emission control Prevention of contamination
Case Studies: Chlorine Environmentally damaging and potential health threat Plastics Solvents Paper and pulp bleaching Water disinfection Many safer and cheaper substitutes are available Sources of Chlorine
Case Studies: Dioxins Potentially highly toxic chlorinated hydrocarbons Waste incineration Fireplaces Coal-fired power plants Paper productions Sewage sludge Sources of Dioxins
Hazardous Waste Regulation in the United States Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act Superfund National Priority List Polluter-pays principle Brownfields See Solutions pg. 554
Solutions: Achieving a Low-Waste Society Local grassroots action International ban on 12 persistent organic pollutants (the dirty dozen) Cleaner production Improved resource productivity Service flow economies