Comprehensive Plan Advisory Panel September 19, 2007
Agenda Review environmentally sensitive areas map High priority wetlands Marginally suitable soils 2030 land use alternatives Brief recap of sites 1-6 Discuss sites 6-17 Break Review Staging Plan Map
Environmentally Sensitive Areas: High priority wetlands Marginally suitable soils
2030 Proposed Future Land Use and Environmentally Sensitive Areas High Priority Wetlands Marginally Suitable Soils
Proposed 2030 Future Land Use Alternatives
Site 1 Advisory Panel: Industrial north of Elm Street Medium density south of Elm Street Rationale: Limited site access for commercial uses Medium density residential best ties into parcels to the south
Site 2 Advisory Panel: High density residential west of Lake Drive Low density residential east of Lake Drive Technical Committee: Commercial west of Lake Drive Low density residential east of Lake Drive Rationale: West side commercial designation supports existing conforming uses; allows for redevelopment if access requirements are met
Site 3 Advisory Panel: “Gateway” commercial Rationale: Insufficient land for residential development
Site 4 Advisory Panel: Low density sewered residential Encourage conservation development to protect environmentally sensitive areas Rationale: Area is best suited for residential development Sewer can be extended if development is clustered
Site 5 Advisory Panel: Medium density residential west side of lake High density residential north side of lake Mixed use east side of lake Rationale: Commercial area serves North Oaks High density residential provides transition between mixed use and medium density residential
Site 6 Advisory Panel: Northwest: low density; reduce medium density Northeast: commercial or mixed use Technical Panel: Northwest: low density; medium density near intersection Northeast: commercial & mixed use Southwest: medium density Rationale: Limited access for commercial
Sites 7, 8, 9 & 10 Technical Committee: Designate as a “special area” due to interchange Guide rural until interchange is constructed Post 2030 land use designation will be consistent with AUAR
Site 11 Technical Committee: Medium density residential near lake transitioning to high density residential towards 20 th Avenue North Medium and high density residential allows for design flexibility to accomplish greater natural resource protection adjacent to Peltier Lake and south border of property
Site 12 Technical Committee: Combination of mixed-use and commercial Mixed-use includes commercial and residential uses side by side or in multi-story buildings
Site 13 Technical Committee: A mix of medium and low density residential along Lake Drive Commercial node at Lake Drive and Olive Street
Site 14 Technical Committee: Combination of low density, medium density and high density near intersection of 4 th Avenue and Main Street Mixed use, high density and medium density along Main Street between 4 th Avenue and Sunset Avenue Environmentally sensitive area
Site 15 Technical Committee: Commercial along Lake Drive South of Oak Lane High density residential north of Oak Lake along Lake Drive Low density residential east of Lake Drive and north of Oak Lane
Site 16 Technical Committee: Change industrial and medium density residential to commercial
Site 17 Technical Committee: Rural or Medium density residential to support utility extensions
Draft Staging Plan Map
DRAFT Staging Plan