Comprehensive Plan Advisory Panel September 19, 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

Comprehensive Plan Advisory Panel September 19, 2007

Agenda Review environmentally sensitive areas map  High priority wetlands  Marginally suitable soils 2030 land use alternatives  Brief recap of sites 1-6  Discuss sites 6-17 Break Review Staging Plan Map

Environmentally Sensitive Areas: High priority wetlands Marginally suitable soils

2030 Proposed Future Land Use and Environmentally Sensitive Areas High Priority Wetlands Marginally Suitable Soils

Proposed 2030 Future Land Use Alternatives

Site 1 Advisory Panel:  Industrial north of Elm Street  Medium density south of Elm Street Rationale:  Limited site access for commercial uses  Medium density residential best ties into parcels to the south

Site 2 Advisory Panel:  High density residential west of Lake Drive  Low density residential east of Lake Drive Technical Committee:  Commercial west of Lake Drive  Low density residential east of Lake Drive Rationale:  West side commercial designation supports existing conforming uses; allows for redevelopment if access requirements are met

Site 3 Advisory Panel:  “Gateway” commercial Rationale:  Insufficient land for residential development

Site 4 Advisory Panel:  Low density sewered residential  Encourage conservation development to protect environmentally sensitive areas Rationale:  Area is best suited for residential development  Sewer can be extended if development is clustered

Site 5 Advisory Panel:  Medium density residential west side of lake  High density residential north side of lake  Mixed use east side of lake Rationale:  Commercial area serves North Oaks  High density residential provides transition between mixed use and medium density residential

Site 6 Advisory Panel:  Northwest: low density; reduce medium density  Northeast: commercial or mixed use Technical Panel:  Northwest: low density; medium density near intersection  Northeast: commercial & mixed use  Southwest: medium density Rationale:  Limited access for commercial

Sites 7, 8, 9 & 10 Technical Committee:  Designate as a “special area” due to interchange  Guide rural until interchange is constructed  Post 2030 land use designation will be consistent with AUAR

Site 11 Technical Committee:  Medium density residential near lake transitioning to high density residential towards 20 th Avenue North  Medium and high density residential allows for design flexibility to accomplish greater natural resource protection adjacent to Peltier Lake and south border of property

Site 12 Technical Committee:  Combination of mixed-use and commercial  Mixed-use includes commercial and residential uses side by side or in multi-story buildings

Site 13 Technical Committee:  A mix of medium and low density residential along Lake Drive  Commercial node at Lake Drive and Olive Street

Site 14 Technical Committee:  Combination of low density, medium density and high density near intersection of 4 th Avenue and Main Street  Mixed use, high density and medium density along Main Street between 4 th Avenue and Sunset Avenue  Environmentally sensitive area

Site 15 Technical Committee:  Commercial along Lake Drive South of Oak Lane  High density residential north of Oak Lake along Lake Drive  Low density residential east of Lake Drive and north of Oak Lane

Site 16 Technical Committee:  Change industrial and medium density residential to commercial

Site 17 Technical Committee:  Rural or  Medium density residential to support utility extensions

Draft Staging Plan Map

DRAFT Staging Plan
