Biomedical Careers Objective: Discuss careers and techniques that use biomedical technology
Nutrition Services Dietician Work with patient to educate on proper diets related to diseases Bachelor’s degree with a major in foods or nutrition average salary $35,000-$45,000 Weight reduction specialist counsel patients to lose weight using dietary & activity guidelines
Environmental Control Environmental Engineer Study the environment to determine methods for improving air and water quality Modifies facilities for environmental protection Recommend methods for insect and rodent control Master’s degree is recommended for entry level position Salary:
Environmental Control Health & Regulatory Inspectors Enforce laws & regualtions concerning employment hazards Inspectors work for local, state and federal government Regulate consumer products such as food, drugs and cosmetics
Environmental Control Sanitarian Plan, develop, and execute environmental health programs Work includes organizing waste disposal procedures for schools and government Set and enforce standards concerning food, sewage and waste disposal Bachelor’s prep in environmentla science is minimal
Other Support Service Personnel Biomedical Equipment Technician Service and maintain equipment in the facility Equipment includes: EKG machines, blood gas analyses, radiological, anesthetic, and others that may be electrical, mechanical or hydralic. On the job training or a 2 year degree
Other Support Service Personnel Central Service Technician AKA sterile supply technician Assemble, clean and store diagnositc and surgical equipment Training is through a 2 year college or may be on the job
Environmental resources and hazards Environmental control a. Biosphere: the air, crust of the earth and water b. Ecosystems (ecology): living and nonliving parts of the environment that support a chain of life c. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): federal agency that sets and regulates the standards for environmental factors
Environmental resources and hazards Diseases and health conditions linked to the environment (1)Emphysema-disease of the lungs, usually caused by smoking (2)Lead poisoning-metal that was used in paints and gasoline (3)Carbon monoxide poisoning- air pollution from car exhaust, clear odorless gas (4)Lung cancer-known to result from exposure to asbestos fibers which were used in insulation
Laboratory Career Terms Microorganisms Organisms so small they can only be seen through a microscope (ex. Bacteria, viruses) Hematology The study of blood Pathogens Disease producing organism Histology