EASA International Cooperation European Aviation Safety Agency Agence Européenne de la Sécurité Aérienne Europäische Agentur für Flugsicherheit Agenzia Europea per la Sicurezza Aerea
European Aviation Safety Agency Jan 2010COSCAP-SA 19th SCM Contents EASA International Cooperation Activities Cooperation with South Asia
European Aviation Safety Agency Jan 2010COSCAP-SA 19th SCM EASA International Cooperation activities Big Picture: Safety beyond the EU borders Need to cooperate with partner authorities (FAA, Canada, etc...) Agency mandate on International Cooperation Requests for International Cooperation Activities come from: European Commission Countries willing to adopt our regulations The Industry
European Aviation Safety Agency Jan 2010COSCAP-SA 19th SCM EASA International Cooperation activities BASA (Support to the EC) Working Arrangements Technical Cooperation and Assistance EASA Representatives ICAO State Letters Entry point for foreign partners
European Aviation Safety Agency Jan 2010COSCAP-SA 19th SCM Contents EASA International Cooperation Activities Cooperation with South Asia
European Aviation Safety Agency Jan 2010COSCAP-SA 19th SCM Cooperation with South Asia Long History of Cooperation EU INDIA, EU SOUTH ASIA SARI COSCAP-SA Bilateral cooperation with several states Present and Future Support to SARI and COSCAP Bilateral Cooperation EASA working with the EU on the new projects: enhanced role.
European Aviation Safety Agency Jan 2010COSCAP-SA 19th SCM Contents EASA International Cooperation Activities Cooperation with South Asia Ramp Inspections e-Examination SARI 145
European Aviation Safety Agency Jan 2010COSCAP-SA 19th SCM Cooperation on SAFA What is available from Europe? At policy Level EU legislation available on the Internet (*) as a Policy model (e.g. Rights and Obligations of Participating States, SAFA inspectors, etc...) At technical Level EASA SAFA Programme is fully compliant with ICAO EASA technical material is available for free on its Website (e.g. Guidance Material for Inspectors) (**) EASA may provide some technical guidance/training as part of its technical cooperation activities As of today, States may request to have access to the SAFA Reports of their operators Contact is Eduard Ciofu * **
European Aviation Safety Agency Jan 2010COSCAP-SA 19th SCM Cooperation on SAFA Cooperation Policy from the EU EU ready to develop the international dimension of SAFA and open the SAFA Programme to non-ECAC states States could participate in the SAFA programme according to some criteria: Community has in place aviation agreements, recognition of Community designation, guarantee on Rules of Confidentiality, commitment towards an active participation A phased approach would be put in place (starting with an access to a replica of the database and allowing for a period of Confidence Building via training and standardisation procedures) with a view to a full participation to SAFA programme.
European Aviation Safety Agency Jan 2010COSCAP-SA 19th SCM Contents EASA International Cooperation Activities Cooperation with South Asia Ramp Inspections e-Examination SARI 145
European Aviation Safety Agency Jan 2010COSCAP-SA 19th SCM EASA e-examination The aim is to promote a high and uniform level of knowledge on EU Civil Aviation safety legislation. EASA e-examinations are typically taken by participants at the end of industry or NAA training courses. An EASA certificate of achievement is awarded to candidates who successfully pass; the certificates however do not confer any special rights, privileges or accreditation. Examinations are voluntary and subject to a charge. They are available through NAAs, independent training organisations or other bodies registered as EASA e-examination providers. Subjects are defined in published syllabi, allowing participants to prepare for each exam and training providers to tailor their material accordingly. Each exam is open-book, limited to the regulatory material covered, and typically consists of approximately 30 multiple-choice questions and lasts around 40 minutes. A demo examination is available on the EASA website.
European Aviation Safety Agency Jan 2010COSCAP-SA 19th SCM EASA e-examination
European Aviation Safety Agency Jan 2010COSCAP-SA 19th SCM
European Aviation Safety Agency Jan 2010COSCAP-SA 19th SCM
European Aviation Safety Agency Jan 2010COSCAP-SA 19th SCM EASA e-examination
European Aviation Safety Agency Jan 2010COSCAP-SA 19th SCM
European Aviation Safety Agency Jan 2010COSCAP-SA 19th SCM Contents EASA International Cooperation Activities Cooperation with South Asia Ramp Inspections e-Examination SARI 145 Let's move on to the SARI 145 Presentation.