By: Whitney Tarchinski Aaron Nye Adrienne Crivaro Nicole Condran
Problem and Need Disposal Practices How the Camera Works Modification Ideas Hardware Decisions Consumers Questions
Make the disposable camera more sustainable and more marketable. Need The camera is designed for a single use and has not being marketed to the right consumers. Problem
Shutter Film
Flash Capacitor Battery Lens
Film Developed Batteries Recycled Camera Shell Packed and shipped back to Kodak All parts shipped back to Kodak Recycling since ,500,000 Cameras
Electronic waste (e-waste): any obsolete, broken or unwanted electronic equipment
BuildSellUseDevelop FilmDisassemble
Selling disposable cameras Medium technology advancements Digital cameras not cost efficient Easy technology Large middle- low middle class Low income levels
Combination Pack Redesign the Back Stronger Parts
A Design to Disassemble B Market in Semi- Developed Countries C Reusable Camera Materials+0- Disposal+0+ Cost0++ Packaging0+- Social+++ Waste+0+ Net332 Rank113 Proceed?Combine
Front ViewRear View
Battery: Easily accessible Rechargeable No internal modifications Film Cartridge: Easily accessible Purchased individually Slight internal modifications
Access Panels protected by plastic snap-in covers Access to Battery Access to Film Cartridge
Top Gear: Detachable Mounted inside camera Standard on purchased Film Cartridge
path=4213&pq-locale=en_US path=4213&pq-locale=en_US CVS employee Definition from pdf Fuji camera review/camera-front.jpg Kodak