1 Chapter 6: Material Management Helmut Steiner Ulrich Priesmeyer Kernkraftwerk Gundremmingen GmbH Priesmeyer, KRB A, 6. Material Management
2 Material Management
3 Expected Volume of Radioaktive Waste type and quality of construction materials quality of the used nuclear fuel age of the plant operational history availability of clearance levels for materials... is in general determinded by
4 Volumes of LLW and ILW from Reactor Operations and Decommissioning in m³
5 Major Primary Waste Stream Burnable wastes (protective clothing, wood from ventilated hoods, laboratory furniture...) Low to High level massive metallic wastes (reactor internals, reactor pressure vessel, primary pumps, reservoirs, valves, structural materials...) Low to High level super-compactable metallic wastes (same sources as above plus e.g. electric cables, light supports, instrumentation...) Massive concrete wastes from slightly activated or contaminated slabs, floors, shielding walls, room walls... Concrete and bricks super-compactable rubble from demolition activities of activated or contaminated materials. Sludges from deposits in reservoirs and liquid sumps. Light non metallic super-compactable materials (isolation, asbestos...) Special waste such as contaminated lead bricks and shielding.
6 Radiological Characterisation Protection of workers, public, environment classification of operations waste processing costs
7 Important Factors for Decommissioning existence of a waste repository or at least defined acceptance criteria for radioactive waste criteria or clearance levels for unrestricted release of material
8 Ways of disposal Residuals and Removed Parts of the Plant Non-hazardous Re-use Melting Deconta- mination Re-use Release for Conventional Dump Refuse Disposal Site Conditioning Final Repository Radioactive Waste
9 Structure for material flow
10 Definitions and working steps during treatment of material material arising during decommissioning checking if reuse or recycling is possible raw waste pretreatment: incineration, shredding, evaporation, etc. interim product treatment: drying, compaction,cementation, pouring, etc. waste product packaging waste package yesreuse no container conditioning interim storagefinal disposal
11 Decontamination measures for possible waste streams negative contaminated piece of material measurement or calculation of the contamination decontamination for the purpose of reuse measurement of decontamination success material can be reused ? decontamination for the purpose of recycling measurement of decontamination success material can be reused ? economical investigation 1. cost / benefit-analyses 2. risk / benefit-analyses 3. conditioning / storage-analyses choice of the appropiate decontamination process decontamination for the purpose of segmentation measurement of decontamination success Conditioning and packaging reuserecyclingdisposal as conventional waste final disposal Above release limit positive lower than release limit no yes
12 Example: KRB A
13 Initial Status
14 Mass Flow of contaminated and activated Material at KRB A
15 Material Balance at KRB A
16 Material Flow during Decommissioning systems + components operating material tools post-dismantling decontamination free releaserecycling waste
17 Turbine Hall at KRB A
18 Factors for Material Management
19 Disposal or Recycling ?
20 Example for contaminated material: Ice-Sawing of a Steam Generator
21 Ice-Sawing of a Steam Generator
22 Material Balance of a Steam Generator
23 Recycling Campagne for Electric Cables
24 Separation of Insulation and Copper
25 Recycling Campagne for Electric Cables
26 View into the Rector Pressure Vessel
27 Example for activated Material: Dismantling of RPV Internals
28 Container for Final Storage
29 MOSAIK - Container
30 Classification of RPV Material
31 New Waste Container
32 Onion Cast Container (Monolith)
33 Prototype of a Onion Cast Container
34 Technical Measures and Methods for Conditioning of Radioactive Waste Liquid Waste - Incineration - Fixation - Filtration, Decantation - Evaporation Solid Waste - Direct packaging - Compaction - Super-Compaction - Incineration with super-compaction of ashes)
35 Waste Conditioning Methods
36 In-drum Compactor
37 Burnable Waste Compactor
38 FAKIR - Supercompactor
39 FAKIR - Supercompactor
40 FAKIR - Supercompactor
41 PETRA - Pellet Drying Plant