Answer QuestionOPERATING INSTRUCTIONS PRACTICE USING THIS POWERPOINT BEFORE USING IT IN CLASS! 1.Click anywhere on this card to start the game. 2.Select a category value and click on it. ANSWER 3.Click on the ANSWER button FIRST. 4.THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!ANYWHERE 4.THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! Your first click ANYWHERE will reveal the answer (clue). QUESTIONTO REVEAL CORRECT STUDENT RESPONSE. 5.Click on QUESTION TO REVEAL CORRECT STUDENT RESPONSE. PINK HOUSE BUTTON 6.Click on the PINK HOUSE BUTTON to return to the category screen. 7.To END the PowerPoint, double click on any area of the screen. Remember than in the game of jeopardy students supply a question for a statement (the answer) that the teacher gives them. The teacher gives the answer and the student formulates a question for that answer. E.g.: Answer – the number of days in one week Student would supply the question, “What is 7?”
Populations and Communities Jeopardy YELLOWGREENORANGEPURPLEBLUE Final Jeopardy
Answer Question YELLOW QUESTION: “What is niche? ANSWER: An organism’s particular role, or how it makes its living, is called this
Answer Question QUESTION: What is water? ANSWER: To carry out photosynthesis, algae and plants use the Abiotic factors sunlight, carbon dioxide, and this. YELLOW -200-
Answer Question QUESTION: What is predation? ANSWER: An interaction in which one organism kills and eats another YELLOW -300-
Answer Question QUESTION: What is symbiosis? ANSWER: A close relationship between two species that benefits at least one of the species is called this YELLOW -400-
Answer Question QUESTION: What is commensalism? ANSWER: A hawk building its nest on an arm of the saguaro cactus is an example of this YELLOW -500-
Answer Question GREEN QUESTION: What is a community? ANSWER: All the different populations that live together in an area make up this
Answer Question QUESTION: What is a single organism? ANSWER: The smallest unit of ecological organization is this GREEN -200-
Answer Question QUESTION: What is the birth of offspring? ANSWER: The major way in which new individuals are added to a population GREEN -300-
Answer Question QUESTION: What is a habitat? ANSWER: The place where an organism lives and that provides the things the organism needs is called this GREEN -400-
Answer Question QUESTION: What is a food, water, and shelter? ANSWER: An organism’s habitat must provide this (3) GREEN -500-
Answer Question QUESTION: What is competition? ANSWER: The struggle between organisms to survive in a habitat with limited resources is this ORANGE -100-
Answer Question QUESTION: What is population density? ANSWER: The number of individuals of a population in a specific area ORANGE -200-
Answer Question QUESTION: What is limiting factor? ANSWER: An early winter frost preventing further growth in a tomato garden is an example of this ORANGE -300-
Answer Question QUESTION: What is carrying capacity? ANSWER: The largest population that an environment can support ORANGE -400-
Answer Question QUESTION: What is adaptations? ANSWER: The behaviors and physical characteristics of species that allow them to live successfully in their environment ORANGE !!!DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!!!!DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!!!!DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!!!!DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!
Answer Question PURPLE QUESTION: What is competition? ANSWER: By hunting at different times of day, the hawk and owl are able to reduce this
Answer Question QUESTION: What is a biotic factor? ANSWER: Grass is this in a prairie ecosystem PURPLE -200-
Answer Question QUESTION: What is sampling? ANSWER: Counting the number of organisms in a small area and multiplying to estimate the number in a larger area PURPLE -300-
Answer Question PURPLE QUESTION: What is a population? ANSWER: All the grey wolves in a forest is an example of this
Answer Question QUESTION: What is emigration? ANSWER: A group of antelope leaving the herd in search of better grassland is an example of this PURPLE !!!DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!!!!DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!
Answer Question BLUE QUESTION: What is a host? ANSWER: When a flea is living on a dog, the dog is this
Answer Question QUESTION: –What is abiotic factors? ANSWER: The nonliving parts of a ecosystem BLUE -200-
Answer Question QUESTION: What is ecology ANSWER: The study of how things interact with each other and their environment BLUE -300-
Answer Question QUESTION: What is adaptation? ANSWER: A shark’s powerful jaws is an example of this BLUE -400-
Answer Question QUESTION: What is symbiotic relationships? ANSWER: Mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism are three types of this BLUE -500-
Answer Question FINAL JEOPARDY ANSWER: An environmental factor that prevents a population from increasing question
Answer Question What are limiting factors?
Answer Question The Escherichia coli that live in your intestine and help break down food are an example of which type of interaction A) MutualismB) Commensalism C) PredationD) Parasitism
Answer Question When a jellyfish paralyzes a tiny fish with its poisonous tentacles, the fish is what A)PredatorB) Parasite C) PreyD) Host
Answer Question All of the following are examples of limiting factors EXCEPT A)Weather ConditionsB) Space C) SoilD) Food