1 Introducing the BSI IT Service Management (ITSM) Quick-Check Online tool
2 Why BSI IT Service Management Quick-Check? IT service management (ITSM) is critical for today’s successful business IT service management (ITSM) is proven best practice approach to the management of IT service provision to users and customers, both internal and external Self-assessment enables and encourages a service provider's commitment to continual improvement in service management processes and services Self-assessments promote buy-in to any resultant corrective actions and improvements as staff are much more aware of the gaps
3 BSI IT Service Management Quick-Check Home Page BSI IT Service Management Quick- Check gives you confidence in your IT service management system. A question for each requirement in the ‘Specification’ is included in the online assessment. Keep updated with latest PDF version of the standard and guidance.
4 BSI IT Service Management Quick-Check Get direct access to the PDF versions of standards and guidance Library of information at your fingertips BS ISO/IEC : 2005 Information technology - Service management - Part 1: Specification BS ISO/IEC : 2005 Information technology - Service management - Part 2: Code of practice A Managers’ Guide to Service Management (BIP 0005) by Jenny Dugmore and Shirley Lacy IT Service Management Self-assessment Workbook (BIP 0015) by Ivor Macfarlane and Jenny Dugmore Library
5 Benefits - BSI IT Service Management Quick-Check Helps you through a comprehensive review of your ITSM system Gives you an appreciation of how your ITSM system is performing against the standard BS ISO/IEC , with a percentage weighted score Assists in the identification of ITSM risks and gaps so that you can make improvements to your systems and policies
6 BSI IT Service Management Quick-Check There are a series of questions, broken down into 21 discrete sections: 1. Management Responsibility12. Budgeting And Accounting 2. Documentation Requirements13. Capacity Management 3. Competence, Awareness and Training14. Information Security Management 4. PDCA - Plan Stage15. Business Relationship Management 5. PDCA - Do Stage16. Supplier Management 6. PDCA - Check Stage17. Incident Management 7. PDCA - Act Stage18. Problem Management 8. Planning And Implementing New Or Changed Services19. Configuration Management 9. Service Level Management20. Change Management 10. Service Reporting21. Release Management 11. Service Continuity And Availability Management Section List
7 BSI IT Service Management Quick-Check Section menu There are 21 sections in the tool. This Section menu page provides details of the number of questions in the section and how many you’ve answered.
8 BSI IT Service Management Quick-Check Section questions Each section contains a list of questions. Click on the ‘Answer’ button to input your response. Once you’ve completed a question your answer will also be displayed here, providing you with a quick overview. Links to the references of the standards are accessible.
9 BSI IT Service Management Quick-Check Cross-references References to the correct section of the standard can be easily accessed. Direct links to the full PDF versions of the standards and guidance documents.
10 BSI IT Service Management Quick-Check Questions Set questions for simple “yes” or “no” answers covering each aspect of your IT service management system. Plus the ability to add comments or evidence against each answer.
11 BSI IT Service Management Quick-Check You can complete assessments at your own pace Assessments can be stored and updated as required Auto-generated summary and proposed prioritization in the form of two report types –Detailed report that uses a traffic light system to highlight how you are performing. Includes all questions and answers along with any comments/evidence and a summary illustrating the weighted score of each section in the form of a chart Green – the requirement needs to be addressed to avoid a minor non-compliance Amber – not meeting the requirement and could lead to a non-compliance as a minimum Red – the requirement is a top priority –Report summary illustrating the weighted score of each section in the form of a chart
12 BSI IT Service Management Quick-Check Detailed Report A full report provides details of all the questions in each section and your answer, plus your comments/ evidence and a guide on the priority rating of each question.
13 BSI IT Service Management Quick-Check Summary Report The summary report provides a quick overview of how well you are doing in each of the sections.
14 BSI IT Service Management Quick-Check Available online and accessible through your PC or via hand- held PDA – an easy and convenient tool for use in different locations and across sites Technical support team to help you with any training or technical issues you many encounter during your subscription Price £495 +VAT for a year’s subscription To subscribe, call BS Online Support on or visit