Supporting the new responsibility for health Progress Towards Health Ageing in Europe EoE LGA Member Master class Cllr Alan Murray Elspeth Gibson.


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Presentation transcript:

Supporting the new responsibility for health Progress Towards Health Ageing in Europe EoE LGA Member Master class Cllr Alan Murray Elspeth Gibson

Background Successful bid to the EU in 2011 Suffolk County Council is leading a two year international partnership ( )

‘Progress Towards Healthy Ageing in Europe’ Supported by the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity (PROGRESS) Coordinated by Suffolk Public Health Supports the directorate’s work on health promotion and ageing Parallels our Health and Wellbeing strategy

International Partnerships Collaboration of partners across five European countries: –United Kingdom - Suffolk County Council –Denmark - University College Zealand and University College South Denmark –Germany - Aufbauwerk Region Leipzig GmbH –Italy - Molise Region –Spain - Andalusian School of Public Health

Local Partnerships University Campus Suffolk Suffolk Chamber of Commerce Healthy Ambitions Local businesses: - Muntons PLC - Sensing Change - ActivLives - Job Centre Plus - Orwell Housing

Finances Total budget of €469,722 (Suffolk €100,148) Why the “PROGRESS” fund? –Cost effective: good chance of success –Added value: greater grant contribution offered (80:20) –Alignment with corporate priorities: emphasis on employment and economic benefits to county

About the project? Each partner is working to identify innovative and practical ways to promote healthy and active ageing. Interventions are being piloted in workplaces across partner countries to help encourage and support individuals to lead healthier, more active lives.

‘Progress’ in Europe Academic papers and policy advice on innovative and practical ways to promote healthy and active ageing produced Networking and good practice shared at international conferences - Suffolk July Copenhagen April Andalusia November 2013

‘Progress’ in Suffolk Innovative health tool being piloting with 400 employees in five local businesses Employees use tool to identify and reduce health risks through better lifestyle choices

PROJECT as a Platform Locally Support for strategic and corporate objectives Support for Public Health outcomes framework Support for cross- directorate working with Adult and Community Services e.g. Most Active County and Ageing Well in Suffolk EU level Links to high-profile EU initiatives and projects Membership of European Innovation Union action group on Healthy Ageing Membership of European Regional and Local Health Authorities (EUREGHA)

Project Outcomes An innovative online health self-assessment of employees and provision of targeted and personal support The refinement and utilisation of tools to estimate the economic benefits of health interventions to employers Research to identify barriers and obstacles to more active lifestyles amongst the target population The development of toolkits, policies and practices to assist employers in promoting active, healthy lifestyles amongst their employees

Working on a transnational project? Benefits Different viewpoints brought by partners with a questioning of common working assumptions Enhancement of Suffolk County Council’s reputation in Europe Enhancement and promotion of positive image of Suffolk An influence on EU policy Challenges Subtleties and nuances of language which are ever- present in policy discussions The practical difficulties of building relationships as opportunities for face-to- face contact are limited

Practical challenges of PROGRESS funding route? A defined work programme with all partners is required before submitting the bid Prior to receiving funding it can be difficult to ensure enough work goes into the relationship building, face to face meetings and collaboration needed to design something meaningful Challenge of creating bid that is specific enough be successful for funding but flexible enough to allow further development if successful Real work with partners begins after the bid is successful as you develop work programme further

What to consider before embarking on such a programme? Consider the possible imbalance of effort and reward Consider the project’s fit with corporate and strategic objectives Consider whether to go for ‘lead partner’ status (advantages / workload demands / responsibilities)


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