June Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair 2010 Exhibitor Survey Report
6JG10 Exhibitor Survey Report2 Survey Summary Total number of exhibitors:1306 Onsite survey collected:861 Overall on-site response rate:65.9% Invited online survey:1247 Opened online survey:318 Completed online survey:91 Overall online response rate:7.3% Total survey collected (onsite + online)952 Overall response rate: 72.9% [952/1306]
6JG10 Exhibitor Survey Report3 Are you a first-time participant in this exhibition? | No. of response: 914 | The June Fair was expanded in scale in 2010 and was successfully brought a numbers of new exhibitors to the Fair. Therefore, the proportion of first-time exhibitor has been increased.
6JG10 Exhibitor Survey Report4 How did you learn about this exhibition? | No. of response: 877 | Despite those regular exhibitors of the June Fair, promotion at other UBM Asia’s jewellery fairs is an important channel for our exhibitors to learn about this fair.
6JG10 Exhibitor Survey Report5 How did you learn about this exhibition? (Base: exhibitors who learnt the show from advertisement.) | No. of response: 184 |
6JG10 Exhibitor Survey Report6 What is your major product category? If your business involves in more than one category, please indicate. | No. of response: 907 |
6JG10 Exhibitor Survey Report7 Which are your current (geographical) markets? | No. of response: 904 |
6JG10 Exhibitor Survey Report8 | No. of response: 833 | Which are your new target (geographical) markets?
6JG10 Exhibitor Survey Report9 June HK Jewellery & Gem Fair and the June edition of the Asia’s Fashion Jewellery & Accessories Fair are held concurrently at HKCEC this time. Do you think this arrangement is beneficial for your company? | No. of response: 901 |
6JG10 Exhibitor Survey Report10 To what extent do you think your objectives for exhibiting in this exhibition have been achieved? | No. of response: 893 | In general, the level of satisfaction are improved in Consolidate contacts with buyers is increased substantially, from 42% to 52%. It proves that the June Fair is an effective platform to build up contacts with other industry players.
6JG10 Exhibitor Survey Report11 In case you also exhibited at the June Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair 2009, was the US$ amount of business conducted during the Fair or as a direct result of the Fair more or less than last year? | No. of response: 641 |
6JG10 Exhibitor Survey Report12 To what extent are you satisfied with the Exhibition on the following? | No. of response: 873 |
6JG10 Exhibitor Survey Report How useful are the following free marketing materials / channels provided by the organiser in promoting your presence at the exhibition? | No. of response: 847 | With online promotion is getting more prevalent, more exhibitors made use of our e-invitation channel for promoting their presence at the Fair.
6JG10 Exhibitor Survey Report If you promote your presence at this exhibition with your own resources via any of the following channels, please indicate how useful they are. | No. of response: 816 |
6JG10 Exhibitor Survey Report How often do you make use of the following marketing channels to promote your business? | No. of response: 799 | In compare with 2009, similar pattern on marketing promotion channels were used by our exhibitors in Trade exhibitions was still be the most important channel for promoting business by our exhibitors.
6JG10 Exhibitor Survey Report What are your plans for participating in this exhibition next year? | No. of response: 811 |
6JG10 Exhibitor Survey Report What are your plans for participating in this exhibition next year? (Based on those who will participate next year.) | No. of response: 406 |