Lee Arden Lewis – Aboriginal Associates E-commerce…Steps To Getting There ITTI 2001, Industry Conference
- Electronic Commerce - Connecting to the World - Aboriginal Canada Online - E-smart Communities - Governments On-line - E-services - Skills to Develop Content Capitalizing on Economic Opportunities Governance Infrastructure Human Capital
John Kim Bell – Founder National Aboriginal Achievement Awards
.. building upon the traditional knowledge foundation and future for Aboriginal Canadians
Bringing all Aboriginal communities on-line to the World Wide Web. Opportunity Challenges High speed community access Internet training and capacity development Partnership … to promote remote community access to the Internet Aboriginal Canada Online - Working together… Equitable residential Internet access - monitor progress As Canada deploys high speed Web access, Government is committed to include Aboriginal communities
.. building upon the traditional knowledge foundation and future for Aboriginal Canadians
Communities maximizing the Internet to improve economic and social development Opportunity Challenges Aboriginal Smart Communities - Working together… … to promote e-smart Aboriginal and Northern communities Economic development Social development Partnership Bring together and learn from leading-edge communities, pilots and Smart Communities program Trade Tourism Health Learning Sharing best practices between all stakeholders
.. building upon the traditional knowledge foundation and future for Aboriginal Canadians
Using the Internet to preserve and share Aboriginal Culture Opportunity Challenges Acquiring the tools and capacity to: capture and digitize our heritage strengthen languages Partnership Develop an Aboriginal Digital Content strategy: - Government Content - Public Content - Multi-media Portal - On-line language tools showcase our arts and culture Aboriginal Content Online - Working together to … …digitize and showcase Aboriginal culture
.. building upon the traditional knowledge foundation and future for Aboriginal Canadians
Bring remote and urban aboriginal businesses to the global on-line marketplace Opportunity Challenges Partnership … expand Aboriginal and Northern economic opportunities Aboriginal E-Commerce - Working together to… Develop a National Aboriginal E-commerce strategy to nurture: - business survey - awareness and tools - innovation programs Increasing awareness and benefits of e-commerce to Aboriginal businesses
.. building upon the traditional knowledge foundation and future for Aboriginal Canadians
Market Aboriginal communities and businesses to the world Opportunity Challenges Get more Aboriginal communities on-line Partnership Stakeholders working together to brand and market Aboriginal: Connecting Aboriginal Peoples to the World … to further accelerate economic development - investment opportunities Being noticed on the web - business opportunities - tourism opportunities - Virtual University of the Arctic
Identify, partner and coordinate all Aboriginal online activities with key federal departmental stakeholders … require partnerships with all Aboriginal stakeholders, at all levels To succeed, the “Connecting Aboriginal Canadians” vision will…
Identify, partner and coordinate all Aboriginal online activities with key stakeholders Fully engage our Aboriginal partners every step of the way … require partnerships with all Aboriginal stakeholders, at all levels To succeed, the “Connecting Aboriginal Canadians” vision will… Seek out provincial, territorial, and private sector service delivery partnerships
Let’s all invest in the future, so that everyone can dream of new opportunities and possibilities…. Thank You, Merci, Meegwetch, et Nakurmiik Connecting Aboriginal Canadians