District Assessment Report Rory McCourt – District Testing Coordinator Westwood Regional School District December 16, 2010
Assessment “Assessment has more to do with helping students grow than cataloging their mistakes.” - Carol Ann Tomlinson
Forms of Assessment Formative vs. summative Essays Tests / quizzes Questioning Presentations Projects NJASK / HSPA
More about the NJASK & HSPA Compare similar districts in terms of DFG NCLB and federal funding Total population and sub- groups Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Not a growth model
Mathematics TOTAL STUDENTS (grade level) State Math Proficient & Advanced DFG Math Proficient & Advanced Westwood Math Proficient & Advanced GENERAL ED State Math Proficient & Advanced DFG Math Proficient & Advanced Westwood Math Proficient & Advanced SPECIAL ED State Math Proficient & Advanced DFG Math Proficient & Advanced Westwood Math Proficient & Advanced *Yellow indicates areas where the WWRSD outperformed the DFG
Language Arts Literacy TOTAL STUDENTS (grade level) State LAL Proficient & Advanced DFG LAL Proficient & Advanced Westwood LAL Proficient & Advanced GENERAL ED State LAL Proficient & Advanced DFG LAL Proficient & Advanced Westwood LAL Proficient & Advanced SPECIAL ED State LAL Proficient & Advanced DFG LAL Proficient & Advanced Westwood LAL Proficient & Advanced *Yellow indicates areas where the WWRSD outperformed the DFG
Science 4 & 8 TOTAL STUDENTS (grade level) 8 4 GENERAL ED. 8 4 State Science Proficient & Advanced State Science Proficient & Advance DFG Science Proficient & Advanced DFG Science Proficient & Advanced Westwood Science Proficient & Advanced Westwood Science Proficient & Advanced SPECIAL ED. 8 4 State Science Proficient & Advanced DFG Science Proficient & Advanced Westwood Science Proficient & Advanced TOTAL STUDENTS (grade level) 11 GENERAL ED. 11 SPECIAL ED. 11 State Proficient & Advanced 55.9 State Proficient & Advanced 63.2 State Proficient & Advanced 21.4 DFG Proficient & Advanced 68.0 DFG Proficient & Advanced 75.0 DFG Proficient & Advanced 26.9 Westwood Proficient & Advanced 65.5 Westwood Proficient & Advanced 77.5 Westwood Proficient & Advanced 18.2 Biology End of Year *Yellow indicates areas where the WWRSD outperformed the DFG
New Jersey Algebra I Results Number of Students % Below Basic % Basic% Proficient % Adv Proficient A15,70674%16%9%1% B10,63062%23%14%1% CD10,98156%25%18%2% DE17,29050%27%21%3% FG13,16643%26% 5% GH18,368 38%26%30%5% WWRSD = 35.2% WWRSD = 33.9% WWRSD = 29.5% WWRSD = 1.3% I21,05825%26%38%11% J1,42011%17%47%25% State 47%24% 5%
Jr./Sr. High School SAT Update: Class of 2009 mean score Class of 2010 mean score (+17 points) Class of 2011 mean score (+23 points) Critical Reading Math Writing
Jr./Sr. High School HSPA Score Special Review Assessment / AHSA for students who scored partially proficient –2007: 4 students –2008: 5 students –2009: 5 students –2010: 7 students –2011: 7 students
Short-term Solutions NJASK / HSPA Action- plans Staff development Explicit test-preparation Building-based focus Lesson plans & formal observations Incentive programs Cultural change
Long-term Solutions Increasing academic rigor = transfer of content knowledge and skills Revising curriculum K-12 to the Common Core Standards Continued focus on best- practice instructional strategies Explicit test preparation
Westwood Elementary Schools Data analysis Curriculum mapping NJASK preparation in grades 2-5 (NJASK Primer) Monthly timed assessments Co-teaching Data-driven decision- making Flexibility and collaboration of school-wide plan “Mock” NJASK days Specialized plans for BSI and special education students
Westwood Regional Middle School Timed writing prompts Math Connects Test preparation materials “Do Now” activities that are NJASK focused Co-teaching Cross-curricular Administrative NJASK sessions Data analysis at faculty meetings Higher-order thinking skills (objective writing) Culture changing
Jr./Sr. High School Problem of the Day - modeling questions to HSPA, NJASK, SAT, ACT, AP, & College Board subject tests Co-teaching Test preparation materials EXPLORE & PLAN for 9 th and 10 th grades Data analysis in terms of student progress on interim assessments Educational Proficiency Plans (EPP) Math Pre-HSPA diagnostic test for 9 th and 10 th graders Incentive programs
Upcoming Dates NJASK Parent Forum Thursday, April 7, :00 P.M. Brookside Elementary School HSPA March 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd NJASK Grade 3-5: May 9 th, 10 th, 11 th, 12 th Grade 6-8: May 3 rd, 4 th, 5 th, 6 th
18 Suggested Websites New Jersey Department of Education Office of State Assessments Office of Academic Standards New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards Measurement, Inc. National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Writing Frameworks
Questions If you have questions, please contact Rory McCourt at or please contact your building