THE DIGITAL SINGLE MARKET Whats it all about? Whats it got to do with PSI Reuse?


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Presentation transcript:

THE DIGITAL SINGLE MARKET Whats it all about? Whats it got to do with PSI Reuse?

Outlines and Aims Where PSI Reuse policy sit in the concept of the DSM Provide links to key documents Chance to ask that stupid question!

Top to Bottom EU2020 Strategy Digital Agenda for Europe The Digital Single Market (Pillar 1) A coherent framework for building trust in the Digital Single Market for e-commerce and online services

PSI Featured in original DA as ACTIONS The Commission will: Key Action 1: Simplify copyright clearance, management and cross-border licensing by Enhancing the governance, transparency and pan European licensing for (online) rights management by proposing a framework Directive on collective rights management by 2010; Create a legal framework to facilitate the digitisation and dissemination of cultural works in Europe by proposing a Directive on orphan works by 2010, to conduct a dialogue with stakeholders with a view to further measures on out-of print works, complemented by rights information databases; By 2012, review the Directive on Re-Use of Public Sector Information, notably its scope and principles on charging for access and use

Why (Digital) Single Market Interest A new market and therefore growth Great potential to drive research leading to innovative new products and services Links to Research and Innovation (Pillar 5) Links to ICT for Societal Challenge (Pillar 6)

Handling Issues Danes have made PSI Reuse a priority for Presidency Will be passing through TComs Council Working Party On Agenda for TComs Council (June 2012) Need for close working between NA & DCMS

Useful Links: EU2020 Strategy: Digital Agenda for Europe: 45:FIN:EN:PDFhttp://eur- 45:FIN:EN:PDF Digital Agenda Website: agenda/index_en.htm agenda/index_en.htm A coherent framework for building trust in the Digital Single Market for e-commerce and online services: commerce/docs/communication2012/COM2011_942_en.p df commerce/docs/communication2012/COM2011_942_en.p df

Thank You – Q&A Rick Holyomes