Bio99 Term Paper
Topics The topics for discussion in the term paper must be relevant to the topics that we have discussed or are about to discuss in class. As such, the topics must be under the biosciences and biotechnology and their relevance and importance to society.
Topics Sample topics may be under: Social and ethical situations in the biosciences or biotechnology Legal and policy issues Bioterrorism and biowarfare Biopharmaceuticals Molecular biology and genetic engineering Tissue engineering, organ transplantation, stem cells
Topics Deadline for the submission of topics for approval: June 5
Format The term paper should ideally follow these guidelines: Short bond paper Minimum of 4 pages of text Verdana, Tahoma, or Arial, font size 11, 1.15 space between lines This is an individual requirement
Grading Topic:20 pts Content and Discussion:50 pts Readability and organization:20 pts Grammar and spelling:10 pts *Remember that the term paper is 30 % of your total grade
Deadline Term paper must be submitted on June 19, 2013.
DEBATE Like a sir
Debate: Parliamentary Debate system Two groups of the class 2 groups will debate on one topic, two groups on another topic. Rules to be followed are derived from the Parliamentary Debate System
Teams: Proposition (Government side)
Teams: Opposition
Proposition Propose a side Composed of Prime Minister Deputy Prime Minister Member of Government
Opposition Demonstrate that the Proposition’s side and arguments are not correct Composed of: Leader of the opposition Deputy Leader Member of the opposition
Parliamentary procedure: Introduction Introduce your members, Proposition first and then followed by Opposition Assign names to the individuals Debate starts!
Parliamentary procedure: Decorum Address the Speaker as Mister Speaker (that’s me!) Be polite! No usage of unparlimentary language such as offensive or derogatory words. No insulting or personal attacks! All participants must be dressed in a dignified and proper manner.
Parliamentary procedure: Decorum If addressing someone in particular, always refer to the person you are addressing in the third person singular using their proper title: “Mister Speaker” “The Prime Minister” “The Honourable Representative from Azeroth”
Parliamentary procedure: Decorum Everyone is expected to listen to the person currently speaking Each team is given TWO chances called Point of Information to interrupt an opposing member under the proper circumstance. Start with “Mister Speaker, on a point of information.” and then wait for the Speaker to acknowledge When a member of the other team says this, the current debater must halt his or her speech. After the Point of Information, the speaker may continue with his or her speech or address the point made by the interruptor. No interruption is allowed during the Opening and Closing parts made by the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition.
Parliamentary procedure Keep your hands on the table, do not conceal them. A member who wishes to speak stands up, stays in place, with hat off, and addresses the Speaker. Only one member may speak at a time in the House. As soon another member rises and addresses the Speaker, the member who was interrupted must stop talking and sit down. When the Speaker rises, all members must stop talking and sit down.
Parliamentary procedure Each member has the right to insist that the rules of debate be followed. You can make sumbong by saying “Mister Speaker, I rise on a point of order” and describe the infraction committed by a member of the opposing team. Examples of infractions include: Failing to begin a speech with the words, “Mister Speaker” or “Madame Speaker.” Concealing the hands Pointing at another member Failing to refer to others in the third person Using language that is inappropriate for a parliamentary debate Accusing another person of lying Failing to apologize when found guilty of violating a point of order or point of privilege
Parliamentary debate Heckling is allowed, but should be respectful. Examples include Obvious sighs Exasperated shake of the head Saying “No, no.” Softly. Saying “Tsk tsk” Smirking obviously Snickering very softly.
Evidence Evidence used in your arguments must be accurate and fair.
Order of speeches
Scoring: Content- 45 pts Delivery- 35 pts Formality- 7 pts Timeliness- 8 pts Q&A- 5 pts * Accepted and proven points of order will be counted as -2 each point of order.