General KM3NeT meeting, Pylos 15 – 18 April 2007 Institute of Space Sciences, Bucharest, Romania Vlad Popa, ISS
7 ISS structure Chief Accountant Scientific Secretary Scientific Council Director Board Accounting & Administrative Department Gravitation Laboratory Space Engineering Laboratory Space Research Laboratory Public acquisitions
Average age 36 years Personnel structure senior researchers I, II and III 2 - scientific researchers 3 - assistant researchers 4 - technicians and workers 5 - services Age distribution R&D personnel 90% Total 109 R & D personnel 98 –Ph.D. 23 –Ph.D. students 32* –Master students 11 –Students 7 * 12 PhD students abroad
Main directions for R & D activity Main directions for R & D activity Space physics cosmic rays, nuclear astrophysics and (astro)particle physics space plasma and magnetometry Cosmology General theoretical and mathematical physics Gravitation and Microgravitation Space technology engineering for space research and applications
ISS was/is/hopes to be active in several international projects: ● INTERBAL ● CLUSTER 2 ● FAST ● PLANCK ● AMS 02 ● MACRO ● ANTARES ● SLIM ● NOTTE ● ALICE ● BRAHMS ● R3B ● EMU 01, 18 ● RoALTA (EUROCOSMICS) ● CTA ● KM3NeT ?
International R & D partners Belgium 1.Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy, Bruxelles. Czech Republic 1.Institute of Atmospheric Physics of Czech Academy, Prague; 2.Karlovo University, Prague. France 1.Laboratoire de Physique des Atomes, Lasers, Molecules et Surfaces, CNRS; 2.Laboratoire des Collisions Atomiques et Moleculaires, Universite Paris Sud, Orsay; 3.University of Cergy Pontoise, Cergy PontoiseGermany 1.Max Plank Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik, Garching. 2.Institute of Geophysics and Meteorology, Technical University Braunschweig. 3.R 3 B Consortium, GSI, Darmstadt
Italy 1.C.N.R – I.A.S.F. Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica, Bologna; 2.Dipartimento di Fisica dell’Universita di Bologna, Bologna; 3.Laboratorio per lo Studio degli Effetti delle Radiazioni sui Materiali Speciali (SERMS), Terni. 4.Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, PerugiaRussia 1.Joint Institute of Nuclear Research Dubna.Turkey 1.Çankaya 1.Çankaya University, Ankara.USA 1.Brookhaven National Laboratory, Heavy Ion Research Group, Upton, New York ANTARES ANTARES Collaboration (from September 2006)
Mobility 1999 – 2006 (PhD students not included)
Scientific publications
Computing infrastructure – TIR 2 GRID cluster (in upgrading) Today: 140 CPU’s, 6.5 TB storage 2008: 400 CPU’s, 20 TB storage
Short history 1956 ÷ 1977 Cosmic Ray Laboratory, Institute Atomic Physics, Bucharest 1977 ÷ 1990 Center of Astronomy and Space Sciences, Central Institute of Physics, Bucharest 1990 ÷ 1996 Institute for Gravitation and Space Sciences, Institute for Atomic Physics, Bucharest From 1996 Institute for Space Sciences, National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Bucharest
Most of our financial resources came from the National Research and Development Programs; contributions from international grants or institutions (EU, in the FP6 framework or ESA, in the PECS framework) contribute also to our research budget. Our budget in the last few years: ● M RON (0.51 M Euro) ● M RON (0.76 M Euro) ● M RON (1.19 M Euro)
Another kind of history… Before the early ’90’s: Some people left, no coming back intentions… During the ’90’s: Many people left abroad, but most of them keeping the affiliation Last few years: Nobody left (!!!), people started to came back!
We must expand, a new building is in project. Basement: computing center, small workshop Ground: clean rooms, offices First and second floors: offices (including for visitors) An auditorium (about 60 seats)
ROASTROPART A newly created consortium made of: ● ISS ● IFIN-HH ● University of Bucharest ● Polytechnic University of Bucharest In May we expected the visit of an ApPEC delegation…
What could we do for KM3NeT? WP2: Astroparticle Physics WP3: Physics analysis ● Exotica: magnetic monopoles, nuclearites, Q-balls ● Tests of relativity (“exotic” neutrino oscillations) WP4: System and product engineering WP5: Information technology ● Small scale tests, experimental models, etc.