DNA Structure Double stranded – long – can’t leave nucleus Nucleotides – deoxyribose, phosphate, base bases A, T, G, C Function Stores / transfers genetic information Provides instructions for making PROTEINS
RNA Structure Single stranded – short – CAN leave nucleus Nucleotides – ribose, phosphate, base bases CC GG AA U = URACIL instead of T THERE IS NO “T” IN RNA! Function Carries protein-making instructions from nucleus to ribosome
3 types of RNA 1- mRNA = messenger RNA 2- rRNA = ribosomal RNA 3 – tRNA = transfer RNA
By controlling PROTEIN SYNTHESIS….. DNA controls cellular structure and function
Ribosomes of any living creature can produce protein from any creature’s RNA……….. AMAZING HUH?
Genetic Language CODON “triplet” code with 3 RNA bases Acts as a word in the genetic language Each codon codes for a specific amino acid
Reading the DNA code Codon Dictionary
Find the following amino acids 1- GAC 2-UUU 3-AUC
Find the following amino acids 1- TTA 2- TAG 3- TCA
Special codons “start” AUG Codes for methionine (amino acid) Unless it’s used after a “stop codon” Then it tells ribosome to “start making new protein here” “stop” UAA, UAG, UGA Tells ribosome to “stop making new protein here”