Private Sector Delivery of Public Services: the experience of Bulgaria Mr. Stefan Sofianski, Mayor of Sofia, Former Prime-Minister of Bulgaria MADAGASCAR GOVERNMENT LEARNING RETREAT ‘‘Good Governance and Private Sector-led Growth for Sustainable Development: Challenges and Perspectives’’ Antananarivo June 13-15, 2003
Ownership n Types: State, Municipal and Private property n The state is a bad owner n Privatization process needed: for quick change of the ownership for creating adequate private sector for successful transition to market economy
Public Private Partnership (PPP) n Concrete projects realization n Achieving particular objectives Social purposes – reduction of unemployment Reaching certain level of services for citizens Stimulation of civil society formation n Enhancing cooperation
PPP Forms ê Joint-ventures Based on presenting land for particular purpose Based on presenting construction right ê Concessions ê Investment Loans ê Bonds Issue
Sofia PPP Examples Privatization Property Services Joint-ventures Building bus stations, hotels, parking lots, shops, business centers Concessions Water and waste water concession Streets cleaning
Administrative Services for Business n Regulatory framework for starting and running business n Procedures for obtaining licenses n Registration and construction permits
Forms for Improvement n Deregulation will decrease the level of state intervention in the licensing regimes n New forms for self regulation should be sought Professional organizations could receive rights for internal registration
Actions to be taken n Simplifying and streamlining the rules in place n Set service standards for services provided to the business community n Establish a front office with a one-stop shop for business to apply for permits and licenses n Improve the regulatory provisions and streamline the building permit process n Clarify requirements for investment & upgrade in infrastructure