The Endocrine System Chapter 18. Lesson 1
Endocrine Glands Ductless-or tubeless-organs or group of cells that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream Hormones are chemical substances that are produced in glands and help regulate many of your body’s functions
Hormones produced during puberty trigger physical changes in the body.
Pituitary Gland Regulates and controls the activities of all of the other endocrine glands Known as the master gland 3 sections Anterior Intermediate posterior
Adrenal Glands Help the body recover from stress and respond to emergencies Have 2 parts Adrenal cortex Sodium, urine, blood volume&pressure, metabolism of fat, protein & carbohydrates Adrenal medulla Heartbeat, respiration, blood pressure, digestive system
Problems of the Endocrine System Diabetes- disorder in which the pancreas produces too little or no insulin resulting in high glucose levels Symptoms include fatigues, weight loss, thirst, and frequent urination
Graves Disease Hyperthyroidism Overactive and enlarged thyroid glands produce excessive amounts of thyroxine. Symptoms include nervousness, weight loss, increased thirst, rapid heartbeat and intolerance for heat Low production of thyroxine is hypothyroidism. Causes fatigue, dry skin, weight gain, constipation and sensitivity to cold
Cushing’s Disease Overproduction of adrenal hormones Symptoms include round face, humped upper back, thin and easily bruised skin, and fragile bones Can occur in dogs too
Goiter Enlargment of the thyroid gland, caused by lack of iodine in the diet. Since we have iodized salt, goiters have become rare in the U.S.
Growth Disorders Caused by abnormal amounts of growth hormone With early diagnosis and proper treatment a child with a growth disorder can reach a normal height
Acromegaly & Gigantism Acromegaly is different than gigantism, although both conditions can have a similar cause. Acromegaly occurs in adulthood, when the long bones of the legs and arms have stopped growing. Gigantism occurs in childhood. People affected by gigantism can grow to great heights. One of the best-known examples is "Andre the Giant" (Andre Rousimoff), who was 6 feet 3 inches by age 12, and reached a height of 8 feet 4 inches in adulthood. Men and women are equally affected by acromegaly.