AS History Matters AS History Matters Explain why the French Monarchy was unable to raise enough Tax revenue in the period (12 marks) Taxation system – who paid Method of collecting tax – ‘farming’ Other factors: Louis XVI Failed reforms Other taxes
AS History Matters AS History Matters Generic Mark Scheme 12 Marks L1: Answers will contain either some descriptive material which is only loosely linked to the focus of the question or some explicit comment with little, if any, appropriate support. Answers are likely to be generalised and assertive. The response will be limited in development and skills of written communication will be weak. 0-2 L2: Answers will demonstrate some knowledge and understanding of the demands of the question. They will either be almost entirely descriptive with few explicit links to the question or they will provide some explanations backed by evidence that is limited in range and/or depth. Answers will be coherent but weakly expressed and/or poorly structured. 3-6 L3: Answers will demonstrate good understanding of the demands of the question providing relevant explanations backed by appropriately selected information, although this may not be full or comprehensive. Answers will, for the most part, be clearly expressed and show some organisation in the presentation of material. 7-9 L4: Answers will be well-focused, identifying a range of specific explanations, backed by precise evidence and demonstrating good understanding of the connections and links between events/issues. Answers will, for the most part, be well-written and organised
AS History Matters AS History Matters EconomicSocialPoliticalIntellectual Absolute Monarchy Louis XVI was a Poor decision maker Growth of new ideas i.e. all born equal The EnlightenmentInfluence of America 3 rd Estate’s Tax burden The weather Attempts to Tax nobles Growing deficit Increasing poverty Growing burden of feudal dues Growth of industry And middle class
AS History Matters AS History Matters Louis XVI was a poor decision maker & the Enlightenment The Weather
AS History Matters AS History Matters Session Prep: Wed 13 th Prepare a Peer Lecture on the short term causes of the French Revolution 1A FOREIGN POLICY & WARS – Seven Years War 1B Overview of the causes; importance; 2A FINANCIAL CRISIS 3A FAILURE OF REFORM 3B Role of Finance Ministers 4A POLITICAL CRISIS – REVOLT OF THE NOBLES 4B Revolt of the Nobles 5A ECONOMIC CRISIS – BAD HARVESTS 5B Historian’s interpretations
AS History Matters AS History Matters Using the five boxes of Short Term causes on p19 – arrange them on this continuum. Less important Most important
AS History Matters AS History Matters Absolute Monarchy Educated to respect tradition & custom. Very religious & a devout Catholic. Preferred hunting to the affairs of state. Picked his ministers from a very small select group of nobles
AS History Matters AS History Matters Intellectual Influences Louis had sent the USA aid in their war to fight Britain. These soldiers returned home after having helped the Americans to fight for liberty and equality. The Enlightenment encouraged people to challenge tradition and look for better ways of doing things.
AS History Matters AS History Matters The Enlightenment
AS History Matters AS History Matters Social
AS History Matters AS History Matters Economic – Government Debt
AS History Matters AS History Matters Economic – Poor Harvests