28/11 /2007 Erasmus Mundus & External Cooperation Unit 1 ERASMUS MUNDUS Visitors from the HEEM, 28 November 2007
28/11 /2007 Erasmus Mundus & External Cooperation Unit 2 Erasmus Mundus Programme Management Management by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency by delegation from the European Commission Commission Tasks: –Political and budgetary priority-setting –Annual work programmes –Programme evaluation and information –Alumni association + student’s seminar –Supervision of the Agency –Chairing programme committees and adopting decision on project selection –Organisation of meetings of EM National Structures
28/11 /2007 Erasmus Mundus & External Cooperation Unit 3 Programmes and Annual Budgets managed by the Agency Lifelong Learning Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig, Transversal, Jean Monnet Erasmus Mundus external cooperation, US & Canada € 125 millions € 112 millions
28/11 /2007 Erasmus Mundus & External Cooperation Unit 4 Programmes and Annual Budgets managed by the Agency Culture 2007Youth in Action Europe for Citizens Media 2007 € 18 millions € 77 millions € 40 millions € 20 millions
28/11 /2007 Erasmus Mundus & External Cooperation Unit 5 Aims Promoting the quality offer in higher education with a distinct European added value Encouraging incoming mobility of third-country graduate students and scholars Fostering structured co-operation with third- country higher education institutions Enhancing the profile, visibility and accessibility of European higher education in the world Erasmus Mundus Objectives
28/11 /2007 Erasmus Mundus & External Cooperation Unit 6 Target Countries 25 EU Member States 3 EFTA/EEA countries EU candidate countries (subject to formalisation of their participation in the programme) Third countries (all but the three categories above)
28/11 /2007 Erasmus Mundus & External Cooperation Unit 7 Programme Actions Action 1: Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses Action 2: Scholarships (including Windows) Action 3: Partnerships with Third-Country Higher Education Institutions Action 4: Enhancing Attractiveness
28/11 /2007 Erasmus Mundus & External Cooperation Unit 8 Action 1: Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses Corner-stone of the programme Support of high-quality Masters Courses of 1 to 2 years offered by a consortium of at least 3 higher education institutions from 3 different European countries Integrated study programme: –Joint curriculum –Joint criteria for admission and examination –Mobility: study period in at least two institutions –Award of an officially recognised joint, double or multiple degree –Common tuition fee (possibility of one tuition fee for European and one tuition fee for third country students) Flat rate funding of consortium via annual grant agreements of € Obligatory participation in the scholarship scheme (Action 2)
28/11 /2007 Erasmus Mundus & External Cooperation Unit 9 Action 2: Scholarships Linked to Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses Scholarships: –for incoming third-country graduate students –for incoming third-country scholars Applications to Consortia which select students (rules on geographical balance of students and scholars) Eligibility check carried out by the Agency Funding: –Students: 21,000 € for a one-year course (fixed amount of 5,000 € +1,600 € monthly during 10 months) or 42,000 € per student for a two-year course –Scholars: 13,000 € per scholar (fixed amount of 1,000 € + 3 months x 4,000 €) Available student scholarships in 2007: –15 Erasmus Mundus Scholarships –Max. 10 “Windows” scholarships (additional scholarships for students from India, China, Western Balkans and ACP countries) Available scholar scholarships in 2007: 3 per consortium (some flexibility allowed)
28/11 /2007 Erasmus Mundus & External Cooperation Unit 10 Action 3: Partnerships Between an Erasmus Mundus Masters Course and at least one higher education institution from a third country Duration: 1 to 3 years Scholarships for EU-students and EU-scholars involved in Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses for a mobility period (max. 3 months) at a third-country partner institution Scholars’ exchanges, development and dissemination of new methodologies in higher education, development of co-operation schemes with third-country institutions Funding: –5,000 € per year per third-country institution (max. 15,000 € per year and consortium) –Student mobility: max 3,100 € per student (3 months x 700 € plus a fixed amount of 1,000 €) –Scholar mobility: max 13,000 € per scholar (3 months x 4,000 € plus a fixed amount of 1,000 €)
28/11 /2007 Erasmus Mundus & External Cooperation Unit 11 Action 4 – Enhancing attractiveness (managed by EA as from 2007) Cooperation projects to enhance the attractiveness of European higher education Eligible organisations: higher education institutions and other public or private organisations active in the field of higher education. Minimum partnership : at least 3 different organisations from 3 different European countries (EU/EFTA), of which at least 2 in EU Member States. Participation of third-country institutions possible. Activities can take place anywhere in the world Duration up to three years Co-financing of max 75 %
28/11 /2007 Erasmus Mundus & External Cooperation Unit 12 EM Key figures Erasmus Mundus – Some key figures
28/11 /2007 Erasmus Mundus & External Cooperation Unit 13 Action 1 Masters courses 103 Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses as from academic year 2008/09 (23 new ones) 468 European HEI involved Disciplines Engineering (incl. IT & Telecom.) => 58 Courses Humanities (incl. soc., cult. and pol. sc) =>26 Courses Law, Business and Economics => 10 Courses Science, Health and Medicine => 9 Courses
28/11 /2007 Erasmus Mundus & External Cooperation Unit 14 ERASMUS MUNDUS Africa 11% North & South America 17 % Europe (non EU) 10 % Asia 60 % Oceania 2% Action 2 Scholarships
28/11 /2007 Erasmus Mundus & External Cooperation Unit 15 Action 3 partnerships 19 on-going Partnerships with 3rd country institutions : 27 3rd Countries involved (strongest participation: China, Brazil, USA, Australia and South Africa) Mobility scholarships for 985 European students and 229 European scholars Thematic areas: –8 partnerships in Life Sciences, –6 in Humanities, –4 in Business and Economics –1 in Sciences & Engineering
28/11 /2007 Erasmus Mundus & External Cooperation Unit 16 EM Selection procedure – Action 1 Award Criteria Admission and mobility (10%) -> development of common standards for joint application, selection, admission and exam procedures for third-country and European students -> adequate structures and mechanisms for student/scholar mobility Third-country students/scholars and language policy (10%) -> information / promotion policy to attract third-country students and scholars -> financial management of the scholarships -> provision and quality of offered facilities and services -> language policy
28/11 /2007 Erasmus Mundus & External Cooperation Unit 17 EM Selection procedure – Action 1 Award Criteria Quality assurance and evaluation (10%) -> internal evaluation and quality assessment mechanisms as well as external quality assurance Management and feasibility (15%) -> cooperation mechanisms within the consortium, funding and staff resources -> calculation of tuiton fee + distribution among the partners Other aspects (5%) -> link of the Masters course to research activities or recognised professional standards -> possible examples of good practice to be disseminated by the Masters course
28/11 /2007 Erasmus Mundus & External Cooperation Unit 18 EM Selection procedure – Action 1 Experts assessment Prior eligibility check by the Agency Expert assessment procedure: –Two individual expert assesments of each proposal –Consensus discussions between the two experts on each proposal; if necessary a third expert will assess –All proposals scoring 3.5 or above are submitted to sectoral panel discussions chaired by « lead experts » –General panel discussion elaborating arguments in favour or against ex aequo proposals Selection Board (composed of 12 high standing academic personalities): – Selection proposal on the basis of the experts’ analyses
28/11 /2007 Erasmus Mundus & External Cooperation Unit 19 Management of Consortia by the Agency Conclusion of a five-year « framework partnership agreement » between the coordinating institution of the consortium and the Agency Conclusion of annual specific agreements on Actions 1 and 2 with each consortium for the duration of the Masters Course Conclusion of specifc grant agreement on Action 3 with selected consortia Payments to the coordinating institution Analysis of progress and final reports Follow up visits to courses Organisation of coordinators seminars
28/11 /2007 Erasmus Mundus & External Cooperation Unit 20 Erasmus Mundus - Useful links Internet: Helpdesk: Thank you!