OGRA and the Infrastructure Enhanced CMM Certification October 31, 2014 OMMI Annual General Meeting, Toronto
Established in 1894 Education Program started in 1901 OGRA Facts
To represent the infrastructure interests of municipalities through advocacy, consultation, training and the delivery of identified services. Five main business objectives: Advocate for sustainable funding for infrastructure. Advocate the collective interests of our members through policy analysis, legislative review and consultation. Provide education and training services. Promote leadership in asset management. Develop and delivery of services that meet the needs of our members. Mandate
OGRA represents 425 of the 444 municipalities in Ontario 20 First Nations 223 Corporate Members Who OGRA Represents
Primary Spheres of Activity Policy & Advocacy Member & Technical Services Education & Training
Merged with ROMA’s conference in 2000 One of the largest municipal conferences in Canada Over 1500 delegates, 99 exhibitors and 20 sponsors (2300+ attendees) Attended by Provincial and Federal politicians Over 300 delegations OGRA/ROMA Combined Conference
More courses than any other municipal association in Canada 2700 trainees in days of training in core courses offered annually Education Program Highlights
Public Works employees at all levels---- From frontline equipment operators and snow plow operators to technicians, technologists, and engineers. From forepersons and supervisors to middle and senior managers. Target Audience
Majority of courses taught by volunteers from municipalities, consultants, contractors We cover expenses and give education credits for each full day of instruction 1 education credit = 1 day’s registration fee for most of our courses ( 1 year time limit) Our Instructors
Guelph Road School Municipal Infrastructure Training (an MEA program) Snow School & Winter Maintenance Training Technology Transfer Workshops (1 & 2 day events) Leadership, Supervision & Administration Trenchless Technology Academy for Municipal Asset Management Education Programs
Public Works and Transportation is a HUGE occupational grouping o Can cover everything from water and wastewater operators to road design technologists to winter maintenance patrollers. And there are very few common denominators within their career paths. After much discussion, we settled on 2 categories for the new Infrastructure Enhanced Certification: Specialist and Professional Enhanced Certification
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