Communications and Outreach Activity Status Lisa Giacchetti Marcia Teckenbrock Ruth Pordes
Agenda Project Mission Who is involved and how Activity Details FY08 Goal Issues
Project Overview Communications and Outreach Mission Support and improve internal division communications by highlighting individuals, groups and projects and by offering an avenue for management to communicate relevant issues to division employees (i.e. CD Tracks newsletter) Provide support for: division web site, web site content, assistance to division members authoring web pages, administration of division document repository, SuperComputing booth, as needed assistance for CD hosted conference web pages, technical support for DOE OHEP Support and improve communications external to the division via outreach activities. These include participation in conferences, coordination of computing techniques seminars, development of content for FCC Lobby displays FY08 Strategic Plan FY08 Tactical Plan FY08 Strategic Plan FY08 Tactical Plan
Staff Lisa Giacchetti.80 FTE Group manager Newsletter editor SC07 coordinator and finances manager Outreach coordinator (computing techniques seminars, lobby content, etc Marcia Teckenbrock.50 FTE CD newsletter contributor DocDB manager/expert CD web page lead technical contact Technical contact for DOE OHEP web site John Urish.25 FTE SC07 booth logistics coordinator Assistance as needed with Lobby displays 1 FTE on extended sick leave for most of FY07 Fang Wang 1 FTE FY08 effort;Starts Oct 1 to replace effort of person on sick leave Web page technical contact Technical documentation CD news letter contributor Jen Nahn Small amount of effort available as needed TaskFTE CD Tracks0.50 CD Web0.75+ Document Library 0.25 Technical Documentation 0.20 Outreach0.25 SuperComputing0.50 DOE OHEP0.10 Conference Support 0.05 (Total Effort)2.6
Group vs Effort Group effort matrix’d out to several different activities FY07 group = 3.6 FTE’s plus 1.25 contractors in FY of that FTE effort allocated to OSG (All of (.6) Anne H, and.5 of Marcia T) 1 FTE on sick leave for most of FY07.5 of technical documentation contractor effort allocated to OSG (other 50% for CD technical documentation was not utilized very well).10 of other contractor help allocated to USLUO Some effort Matrix’d in John Urish.25+ FTE available for SC (.25) and visual media technical support (+) Total FY07 effort available to Communications and Outreach program = ~2.35+
CD Tracks Communicates Monthly CD Tracks newsletter initiated in Dec of 2006 Several different formats tested and vote taken to determine final format (nearly) monthly issues Survey of CD provided great feed back. Especially on the content they wanted to see. Effort required per issue is ~.5 FTE/month Split between Marcia and Lisa FY08 goals: Continue to look for innovative ways to provide information in the newsletter Streamline newsletter development
CDWeb is the Face of the Division Needs to be a priority for Communications and Outreach program Responsible for general content and layout of CD web pages (especially internal) FY07 Lacking in staff to keep content up to date FY07 Lacking in staff to assist other division employees with web authorship Would like to expand support to include products like Plone Effort: Peak effort for web due to redesign (see next slide) = 1.5 FTE/month (for Sept – December 2007) Off peak maintenance =.75 FTE/month (this is what we should be able to allocate once we have new hire) FY08 goals expanded: more web design/content expertise, teach people to use XMS, put some automated tools in place to ensure link/content accuracy, keep news items up to date, assist CD members with web page authorship, learn how to configure the look and feel of Plone
Web page Redesign Enables Better Communication Major project in progress to redesign CD web pages Xeno Media, Inc. contracted for design and implementation of content management system (XMS) Cross quadrant design team includes Central Services and Database Administration groups Project Goals: Provide better support and communication to our customers Provide a vehicle by which we can maintain content efficiently Project is behind schedule primarily due to staffing issues but also because implementation of XMS requires extra effort. Feel benefits of XMS out weigh delay on this project ETD now is end of Oct for first Phase End of Dec for second Phase (this highly dependant on effort from other division groups)
Document Repository Is Our Library Current tool used is DocDB In general meets our needs Code in frozen state and developer no longer on contract for updates Responsibilities in FY07 split between repositories admin and document librarian Project pending for repository replacement Effort being led by Information Systems and Core Services group. As this project progresses more effort from Communications & Outreach will be needed Once migration completed Communications and Outreach program effort will be primarily on librarianship aspects Effort:.10 FTE for repository maintenance and librarian role.25 FTE for replacement project (6 months FY ’08 effort) Goals for FY08: Expand our expertise in managing DocDB to more than one person while new tool is being sought Participating in project to find replacement, migrate to it and build new technical expertise Major focus on librarian role: defining a repository structure that fits the needs of the division and then ensuring this structure is followed.
Technical Documentation Intended to partially replace effort of contract provided by Anne Heavey prior to FY07 Some contract effort was available for this in FY07 but it was not fully utilized What needs to be done: Update or help update large documents authored by Anne Design web template/style sheet for future CD documentation Resources to author new documentation Effort: ~.20 FTE Goals: see above
Outreach - Communications Beyond the Division Communicating CD’s mission to the lab and beyond Includes Development and formatting of content for displays Finding and fostering other avenues of external communications Technical support for CD electronic displays and Showcase Effort: FY07: <.05 FTE for visual components technical support; negligible support for content due to lack of resources FY08:.20 FTE for content and extension of activities; same support expectations for visual component technical support FY08 Goals: Increase to the 20% level effort on outreach activities Develop new ways to communicate what the division’s mission and projects to the external community.
SuperComputing - an Avenue for Collaboration Responsibilities for design/logistics and finance management of the CD booth at Supercomputing Effort:.5 FTE/year: June - Aug ~.5 FTE ramping up to 1.5 FTE Sept-Nov No change in effort for FY08 Goals: Continue to promote Computing Division science and technology and collaboration with others in the HPC community
Miscellaneous Technical support for DOE OHEP subpanels Effort: ~.10 FTE Goals: continue to make the DOE happy As needed web site support for CD sponsored conferences FY07 RealTime 2007 Effort: FY07: ~.05 FTE FY08: ~.05 FTE Conference support is an overall goal for the Program Support Section however Administrative Support will be taking on more responsibility in this area. Effort from Communications and Outreach program will still be needed for web site development Goal: Provide web site development assistance as needed
Issues for FY08 Goals New hire needs to come up to speed Balancing matrix’d effort of staff available Effort for graphics and multimedia Need newsletter/websites/publications to be visually captivating Utilize VMS resources as much as possible Does division need our own expertise in graphic design/multimedia?