The public ministry of Jesus had ended in John 12. Is John 13 trying to teach us the lesson of humility or something much deeper? A. Richardson: “It foreshadows the Cross itself; the voluntarily humility of the Lord cleanses his loved ones and gives to them an example of selfless service which they must follow.”
A.THE UNCONDITONAL LOVE OF JESUS FOR HIS DISCIPLES (VERSE 1) John begins chapter 13 by highlighting the unconditional love of Jesus for his disciples in verse 1: “… Jesus loved them to the end.” * What is the significance of this unconditional love of Jesus? 1) Judas was going to betray Jesus (verse 2) 2) Peter was going to deny Jesus three times (verses 36-38) 3) All the disciples were going to desert Jesus (Mark 14:50)
B.THE SOVEREIGN CONTROL OF JESUS OVER THE SITUATION (VERSES 2-3) Jesus was in perfect control even though the Cross was looming near for him. 1)He was fully conscious of God the Father’s will for him to die on the Cross (verse 3a) 2)He was going to return to the Father after completing this earthly mission (verse 3b)
C. THE PERSONAL DEMONSTRATION OF SELFLESS SERVICE TO THE DISCIPLES (VERSES 4-17) The primary lesson of ‘foot-washing’ is not about humility, but about selfless service towards others: 1. What is this Jewish practice of ‘foot-washing’? - A menial task reserved only for the slaves - Normal for a house host to provide this service for the guests
2. Why was Peter reluctant for Jesus to wash his feet? Verse 6: Jesus came to Peter; and Peter said to him, “Lord, do you wash my feet?” - Peter was demonstrating an attitude of humility towards Jesus - At the same time Peter was dictating to Jesus what the latter ought to do: Verse 8: Peter said to Jesus: “You shall never wash my feet.”
3.Why did Peter insist that Jesus should also wash his hands and head (verse 9)? - Now Peter wanted Jesus to give him a thorough washing. 4.What is the implication behind the cryptic statement of Jesus in verse 10? Jesus said to Peter, “He who has bathed does not need to wash, except for his feet, but he is clean all over; and you are clean, but not every one of you.”
5. What does it mean to ‘wash one another’s feet’ today? a) We should take the initiative to serve others - Jesus did not wait for his disciples to serve him; rather he served them first b) We need to adopt a humble attitude as Jesus himself - See Philippians 2:3-11 c) We should be willing to embrace the most lowly task - Are you and I looking for the limelight or the background type of ministry?
CONCLUSION How do we engage in ‘selfless service’ to others? We are called to imitate the example of Jesus. See Mark 10:45