Chapter 7 Lesson 3 Jesus’ Humanity
What is a human being? Body A body is physical and with physical functions It has senses It can move and relocate It can suffer and die Soul A soul is spiritual and immortal (it will never die) An immortal and rational soul has the powers of intellect (to think) A will (to choose) Can acquire human knowledge, feel emotion, and make judgments God was also man and had all these human abilities and weaknesses.
Turn to page 49 in your textbook. Read “The Humanity of Jesus.” How do we see Jesus’ humanity in the gospels?
Jesus is God’s perfect and full revelation. He is God and, by becoming man, he helps us to know God and understand his teachings. What did Jesus teach us by his words? What did Jesus teach by his example?
What would Jesus do? How can we model Jesus in our words and actions? There are no pictures of Jesus. By reading the gospels, do we know what he looks like? Appearance Facial expressions Tone of voice Choice of words Tenderness and compassion Manliness Signs of divinity Truth
Jesus is like us in all things except sin (Hebrews 4:15) Jesus is sinless because he is God, who is all holy. Jesus did experience temptation
Jesus was human We can live lives of holiness We can be free from sin We need his grace We need his teachings How can you imitate the virtues of Jesus?