1. Differences between the North and South 2. Missouri Compromise Forbid Slavery above the 36 30’ line Kept N&S states equal in the Senate 3. The Dred Scott Decision Angered the North Decided by the Supreme Court Supported slavery
4. Abraham Lincoln’s Election 1860 became president 1 st Republican President Anti-Slavery Won with only 40% of the vote 5. Abolitionists Fought against slavery Mostly from the North Underground Railroad
1. South Carolina seceded from the Union. 10 other states followed. 2. Ft. Sumter Northern Fort in Charleston Harbor in South Carolina 1 st shot fired by South War declared by North after Ft. Sumter
3. North needed to keep the border states in the Union to protect Washington D.C. Maryland, Delaware, Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia 4. Lincoln’s goal at the beginning of the war was to preserve the Union.
1. 1 st Battle of Bull Run (Manassas)- both sides realized it would be a long war. Southern Victory 2. Battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg) – Afterward Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation Declared freedom for all slaves in the Confederacy; not for slaves in the northern border states. Union Victory
3. Southern Victories Ft. Sumter Chancellorsville 2 nd Battle of Bull Run (Manassas) 4. Northern Victories Gettysburg (turning pt.) Vicksburg – Took control of the Mississippi Atlanta
5. Leaders North Ulysses S. Grant : also known as “the butcher” Ulysses S. Grant : also known as “the butcher” William T. Sherman : famous for his “March to the Sea” and slash and burn policy William T. Sherman : famous for his “March to the Sea” and slash and burn policySouth Robert E. Lee : didn’t believe in secession, but went with his home state of Virginia. Robert E. Lee : didn’t believe in secession, but went with his home state of Virginia.
1. General Lee surrendered to General Grant at Appomattox Court House 2. About 600,000 people died; about 2% of the total population 3. Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at the end of the war. 4. Andrew Johnson becomes president 5. The Reconstruction begins