Investing in Disciples Equipping Disciple Makers 1 Mirroring the Methods of the Master Defining Discipleship 12/14
DISCIPLESHIP What is Your Biblical Worldview on Discipleship? How Do I Define and Relate “Discipleship”? Matthew 28:
DISCIPLESHIP By Jesus’ Authority and Supervision Prayerfully Entered Into Holy Spirit Led Presence of a Teacher and a Pupil 3
DISCIPLESHIP Intentionally Impart: Knowledge Skill Character Outcome in Mind of: Functional Maturity For Them to Do the Same Take Enough Time 4
“Jesus said to them, follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Matthew 4:19 Follow Me – at the “head” level Acceptance of Jesus’ authority and truth To know Him and follow Him And I will make you – our “hearts” Process of Jesus transforming our hearts to be like His Primarily a “spiritual” response to the Holy Spirit Fishers of men – our “hands” A disciple of Jesus is saved for a purpose Action of being committed to the mission of Christ from Disciple Shift by Jim Putnam and Bobby Harrington DISCIPLE OF JESUS 5
WHAT DISTINGUISHES A DISCIPLESHIP GROUP? 6 Annual Covenant Accountability for truth applied Intentional and comprehensive curriculum Content-based relationships
CHARACTERISTICS OF A DISCIPLESHIP GROUP 7 Knowledge – applied Skills – uncovered and utilized Character – revealed and developed Methodology T – T ruth E – E quipping A – A ccountability M – M issional S – S upplication
AT THE CORE OF DISCIPLESHIP 8 Apprentice of Jesus Authentic Community The Target is the Heart Generational in Scope Weave these into a life so they become a “lifestyle.”
THE WHY OF DISCIPLESHIP 9 Why We Don’t Disciple 1.Don’t know how or haven’t seen it 2.Not able because not mature 3.It’s hard and messy 4.It’s slow and not flashy 5.Don’t understand why invest so much is a few 6.Choosing disobedience vs. obedience Why Disciple? Jesus did it Jesus had no Plan B Jesus commanded it
THE TWO-LEVEL CONCEPTION OF CHRISTIANITY IS NOT VALID SCRIPTURE Michael Wilkins – “A believer who has refused to pay the price of becoming a disciple has relegated himself to a life of mediocrity.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer – “Cheap grace is entrance into the Christian life and not also entrance to discipleship.” Dallas Willard – “Discipleship is not an optional second step of a believer’s life.” By Jesus’ radical yet realistic summons to be a disciple of His, He meant that this was normal – He wants a church full of disciples who dare to go out into the world to make a difference and to live life the way it was intended to be. C. S. Lewis “Make no mistake – “If you let Me, I will make you perfect.” “If you don’t push Me away, understand I will see this through.” “I will never rest, or let you rest, until you are literally perfect.” 10