Ancient Rome Jeopardy Roman Christianity By the Numbers Name Game Emperors $200 $200 $200 $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
This man was the first Roman Emperor. Emperors $200 This man was the first Roman Emperor. Democracy
Emperors $400 This emperor and supporter of Christianity reunited a divided Roman Empire in 306 A.D. Olympics
This famous leader divided the great Roman empire. Emperors $600 This famous leader divided the great Roman empire. Olive Oil
Emperors $800 This man was grand-nephew of Julius Caesar and he was the first strong leader after Julius Caesar. Jury/Juries
Emperors $1000 His rule began the Pax Romana, but he felt his given name Octavian was weak so he changed his name to this. Comedies and Tragedies Either order
The story of the birth of Christianity is found in this book. Roman Christianity $200 The story of the birth of Christianity is found in this book. Harbors
This is the term for a simple story which contains a message of truth. Roman Christianity $400 This is the term for a simple story which contains a message of truth. Sparta
The general name for Jesus’s closest followers. Roman Christianity $600 The general name for Jesus’s closest followers. Macedonia
Roman Christianity $800 These two followers of Jesus helped Promote the Path of Christianity within Rome. Crete or Rhodes
As a child, Jesus and his family lived in this village in Judea. Roman Christianity $1000 As a child, Jesus and his family lived in this village in Judea. Mediterranean, Ionian, Aegean Any Order
Name Game $200 Besides Roman Catholic, this religion also came from the Christian belief which started in Rome. Acropolis
It was in this clearing that Rome’s twelve tables were posted. Name Game $400 It was in this clearing that Rome’s twelve tables were posted. Agora
The eastern part of the Roman empire carried on with this new name. Name Game $600 The eastern part of the Roman empire carried on with this new name. Athens
The Roman name for Judea. Name Game $800 The Roman name for Judea. Alexander the Great
This general defeated Hannibal and won the Punic Wars. Name Game $1000 This general defeated Hannibal and won the Punic Wars. Aristotle
In this year B.C., XXXV, Julius Caesar became dictator of Rome. By the numbers $200 In this year B.C., XXXV, Julius Caesar became dictator of Rome. Plato
The Roman Colosseum was completed in this year A.D., By the numbers $400 The Roman Colosseum was completed in this year A.D., LXXX. Zeus
In this year B.C., CCCL, the twelve tables were posted. By the numbers $600 In this year B.C., CCCL, the twelve tables were posted. Pericles
By the numbers $800 Rome under the control of German invaders in this year A.D., CCCCLXXVI. Homer
Visual Daily Double Answer the question shown here.
Visual Daily Double -CLXIV Trireme
FINAL JEOPARDY: The Ancient World
FINAL JEOPARDY At its height, the Roman Empire stretched entirely around this body of water. SPELL IT! Zeus at Olympia Temple of Artemis at Ephesus Mausoleum at Halicarnassus Colossus of Rhodes Lighthouse of Alexandria Pyramids of Egypt at Giza (Khufu) Hanging Gardens of Babylon