You must all complete a specialisation A main requirement of the MSc in Economics and Business Administration is that (at least) six courses (45 ECTS credits) must form a specialisation We have eight specialisations Their individual requirements differ, so make sure you meet the requirements of your specialisation! Your master thesis (30 credits/a full-time semester) must be on a topic within your specialisation Chose a methodological course that suits your interests and plans for the thesis
Research distinction – a new opportunity Curious about taking a PhD or have an interest in more research-oriented work both at NHH and later in your career? Go for the research distinction track (RDT) leading to a “Master of Science Degree in Economics and Business Administration with Research Distinction” - Four courses from the RDT-list (mix of methodological and advanced) - Grade requirements (course and overall) - Can be combined with any of the eight specialisations - Can be combined with exchange abroad For more, see: arch-distinction.aspx arch-distinction.aspx
Programme Opening remarks by Kenneth Fjell, dean of Master programmes Short introduction of all specialisations SEPARATE PRESENTATIONS Follow an in-depth presentation of your two favourites (all specialisations are presented twice) First presentation Second presentation 4
Auditoriums for separate presentations Business Analysis and Performance Management (BUS) - Aud. Jan Mossin Economics (ECN) - Aud. Finn Kydland Strategy and Management (STR) - Aud. Agnar Sandmo International Business (INB) - Aud. 22 Energy, Natural Resources and the Environment (ENE) - Aud. 24 Economic Analysis (ECO) - Aud. 13 Marketing and Brand Management (MBM) - Aud. 23 Financial Economics (FIE) - Aud. D 5