Statistics Department sixth edition of the Balance of Payments Manual Meeting of OECD Experts on Goods and Services Statistics September 17-19, 2007
Statistics Department Purposes of this session where are we with the drafting of BPM6? what comes next? major changes affecting goods and services (refer to draft Chapter 10) outstanding issues and what to do about them
Statistics Department timetable (1) Sept 2007 first complete draft to Balance of Payments Committee on balance of payments Statistics end-Oct 2007 complete review by Committee identify omitted issues end 2007 second complete draft for world-wide review (but note limits) first half 2008 outreach seminars (senior level) end-July 2008 near-final draft posted on IMF website
Statistics Department timetable (2) October 2008 (i) Committee to discuss/endorse proposed changes (ii) detailed (IMF) conversion plan to be discussed end 2008:final draft, subject only to editing, to be posted on IMF website 2009regional training courses based on BPM (foreseen) (i) MSITS updating completed? (ii) updating of Textbook and Guide
Statistics Department outstanding issues u naming of component that used to be royalties and license fees u content of this component u treatment of one-time payments for use of software – for own use – for reproduction u sales of originals
Statistics Department royalties and license fees possible alternative titles: u fees for the use of intellectual property (current wording) u licensing services for the right to use non- financial intangible assets (CPC wording) u license to use… (to follow the SNA) u licensing services for the (right to) use of intellectual property u other
Statistics Department classification of a right to use: CPC classifies this to: u section 7 – financial and related services; real estate services; and rental and leasing services u division 73 – leasing or rental services without operator u group 733 – licensing services for the right to use non-financial intangible assets
Statistics Department fees for the use of intellectual property u include software licenses for own use? for reproduction? [=sale of an asset] u include downloadable products? u include audio visual payments for rights to use? for distribution/reproduction? u other comments
Statistics Department one-time payments for use of software u goods or services? (draft chapter 10 para 10.14) u refer draft 1993 SNA rev. 1, para – a license to use represents a an operating lease – a copy sold outright may be treated as a fixed asset if it satisfies the necessary conditions – a license to reproduce is regarded as the sale of part or all of the original asset if the new owner is responsible for distribution, support, and maintenance
Statistics Department but…but… SNA ongoing discussions (AEG outcomes): u acquisition of a copy of a piece of software and a license to use purchased with regular payments over a multi-year period under certain conditions which make this transaction the purchase of a fixed asset – financial lease (change of ownership of an asset and the creation of a financial asset/liability) u regular payments for a license to use without a long-term contract – operating lease u large initial payment followed by a series of smaller payments in succeeding years – initial payment is purchase of an asset and later payments are payments for a service
Statistics Department classification of a right to use: u draft 1993 SNA Rev. 1 para 10.97: u “The licence to use represents an operating lease and payments to the holder of the original represent payments for the use of a service.” u questions: u (i) should we create two subcomponents for operational leasing? [in EBOPS, in BPM?] u (ii) what would be left to classify elsewhere?
Statistics Department questions – input to TFSITS u title for old component royalties and license fees? u coverage of old component royalties and license fees? u classification of old component royalties and license fees? u treatment of one-time payments for the use of software (goods or services?, which service?) u possible EBOPS breakdown (for analytical purposes, perhaps to follow CPC)? u classification of downloadable products? u treatment of sales of originals (audio-visual, software, research and development)? u anything else?