Bellringer Does contemporary society in general treat girls and boys equally in terms of educational capacities and opportunities? Explain!!!
3-2-1 3 Things you learned from the previous lesson 2 Facts you found interesting 1 question you still have
The Protestant Reformation Chapter 5.3
Martin Luther Began the Protestant Reformation in the Early 16 th Century. Divided the western Church into Catholic and Protestant groups.
Christian Humanism Italian Humanism spread to northern Europe creating Christian Humanism. Believed in the ability of human beings to reason and improve themselves. MAIN GOAL: Reform the Catholic Church through religious feeling, based on studying the works of Christianity.
Desiderius Erasmus Best know Christian humanist. Developed the “Philosophy of Christ” 1509 wrote The Praise of the Folly “Erasmus laid the egg that Luther hatched.”
Reasons for a change? Corruption in the Catholic Church. Popes more concerned with political interests of States. Pope Julius II “Warrior Pope”
Church Officials Cash In…. Church officials use their positions for career advances and wealth. Local priest ignoring spiritual duties, failing to instruct on salvation: Acceptance into heaven Venerating a saint could gain an indulgence: Release from all or part of punishment for sin
Martin Luther Monk & Professor at the University of Wittenberg
Martin Luther’s Beliefs Came to reject the Catholic teaching that faith and good works were required for salvation. Believed that salvation was through faith alone. For all Protestants, the Bible, not the Church, became the primary source of religious truth.
Indulgences Propaganda “ As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs.” - Monk Johann Tetzel
The Ninety Five Thesis October 31, 1517, Luther posted his Ninety Five Thesis on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. 1000’s of copies sent out all over Germany.
A Break with the Church Luther excommunicated from Church in Luther declared an outlaw by the Edict of Worms. Books to burned and ordered to be turned over to the emperor.
The Rise of Lutheranism Luther’s movement became a revolution. Set up services to replace Mass, consisting of: Bible readings, preaching, and song Doctrine became known as Lutheranism: The first Protestant faith.
Politics in the German Reformation Holy Roman Emperor Charles V ruled empire consisting of: Spain, Austrian Empire, Bohemia, Hungary, Milan, and Naples Goal: Keep Hapsburg Dynasty Catholic, but faced problems.
Charles Makes Peace German states could choose between Catholicism and Lutheranism. Ruler’s allowed to choose their subjects religion. Agreement did not recognize religious tolerance for individuals.
Assignment Complete Worksheet
Assignment Design your own Martin Luther Poster. Include five or more of Martin Luther’s theses against the Catholic Church in your own words You can age your poster for HW.