A presentation of The New Georgian Heights Alternative Elementary School for Columbus City Schools Board of Education 2 February 2010
New Georgian Elementary School Information - This school is part of Segment III in a series of voter approved school replacements. - Outdated buildings are replaced with new facilities that are state of the art facilities to provide the best possible setting for learning. - The school is planned in conjunction with the Ohio School Facilities Commission (OSFC). - Funding is shared by the local taxpayers (70%) and the State of Ohio through the OSFC (30%). - Construction budget $11,937,569. -New building total area 65,632 SF. - Program for 550 Students, but current enrollment is 440.
Schedule: - Current school year will be completed in existing school. - Georgian Hts. Elementary School is scheduled to swing to Old Wedgewood Middle School for next two school years. - Hazardous material removal summer of 2010, with demolition to follow. - Preparation of drawings and bidding will occur throughout 2010 so that start of new construction can begin in December of days of construction is projected. - Projected move in date into the new elementary school is 2012.
Neighborhood Concerns: - Student safety on site. Parent drop off is physically separated from bus drop off and pedestrian traffic is separated from vehicles on site. - Site security. New project will have better visibility to back of site and around property. Appropriate lighting and surveillance will be provided in addition to secure entrances. -Community use. Existing ball field will remain and new building will be designed for community use after school hours. - Building interior will be designed to maximize physical safety. - Storm sewer design. The new project is designed to keep storm water on site.
Sustainability Goals: - Reduce energy consumption and associated costs by 30%. with efficient building envelope and building systems, including high R-Value exterior walls and roof, low energy light fixtures and a combination Geothermal and Heat Pump HVAC System. - Low impact site design to minimize impact of site on municipal storm sewer system. - Utilize existing or recycled materials where possible. - Utilize elements of the new building and site for environmental education. -The building has a second use as a neighborhood community center. - The project is registered for LEED certification through USGBC with a goal rating of Silver.
site plan
north west view
first floor Main Entrance Educational Court Yard Loading Outdoor Dining N
second floor N