A WHOLE ENVIRONMENT FOR HEALTH Dr Fiona Adshead Deputy Chief Medical Officer for England 26 July 2005
The Lady Chapel, Ely Cathedral
The Guggenheim, Bilbao
Guggenheim, again…
…and again
1848 and all that
Todays Problems
Obesity Trends National target: halt the year-on-year rise in obesity by 2010 < 11 age If trends continue > 33% adults, 20% boys and 33% girls will be obese by 2020!
Sustainable Communities Provide access to person-centred, seamless health and social care Promote accessibility, social inclusion and the benefits of diversity Promote physical and mental good health
Housing Health Health Improvement Factors: –Materials –Spatial arrangement –Market renewal
Outside Your Front Door Holistic approach to design: –Local involvement: planning & delivery –Safety –Physical Activity –Tackle Anti-Social Behaviour –Tackle health inequalities
Support from Next Door