Building 142 Lobby Design Vendor Information Packet
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Building 142 Lobby Design Objectives Showcase Space Flight Systems Directorate (Code M) Showcase Glenn Research Center accomplishments Showcase Glenn Research Center Space Heritage
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Building 142 Lobby Design First Floor Current Lobby Layout Entrance Light boxes to the rightUnder stairwellTV monitors to the left
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Building 142 Lobby Design Second Floor Current Layout Top of stairwellWalls of stairwell Walkway/wallsWindow area
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Building 142 Lobby Design First Floor Current Layout
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Building 142 Lobby Design First Floor Incorporate possible display items Remove light boxes and replace with new design, or clean/fix light boxes and change out images New design for area with monitors Location of various display cases Ares display case (need size) Orion display case (need size) Additional cases in library (need sizes and images) Location of various furniture pieces (Note: Constellation Display will be removed form lobby area) Gemini capsule Mercury Abort Tower Ares and Orion display cases Furniture pieces
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Building 142 Lobby Design First Floor Possible Display Items Gemini Capsule ~6.5 ft. tall, 3 ft. dia. at top and 7.6 ft. dia. at the bottom Mercury Abort Tower ~8 ft. tall, base is ~2 ft. dia. Titan/Centaur Model (no image available) ~6 ft tall, base is ~3 ft dia. Various display cases Ares display case (need size) Orion display case (need size) Additional cases in library (need sizes and images) Various furniture pieces Seats with arms ~30” (4) Seats without arms ~24” (3) Tables ~23” (2) Coffee table ~20”x48” (1) Gemini capsule Mercury Abort Tower Ares and Orion display cases Furniture pieces
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Building 142 Lobby Design Second Floor Top of stairwellWalls of stairwell Walkway/walls Window area CSD wall panel needs to be removed (quote to include total removal, and partial removal of lettering and use the existing panel–changing and/or covering) Populate walls (Current art to be removed, new content to be decided) Hang display models (Remove existing glass sign, display items shown not to scale)