ELEC4601 Microprocessor systems Lab 1 Tutorial
Teaching Assistants Office Hours Khadim DiaTBAkdia Vahidin Aki JupicAP332 Tuesday 1:30-2:30pm vjupic (or Haizheng GuoTBAhguo1
General Information Groups of TWO Before entering labs: 2 prelabs + 1 cover-page Cover-page will contain your marks (signed by TA) 1 week after the lab: Submit 1 (ONE) lab report per group (attach both prelabs and the cover-page with the report) Pre Lab Pre Lab Report Cover Page
Things To Do Immediately 1.Buy a set of Lab manuals from IEEE office (3rd floor, ME) Everyone must have own copy 2.Collect Lab package (contains 3 parts) 1.Intel 8086 manual 2.SDK manual 3.Peripheral manual One (1) for each group –You need to deposit $20 for a copy
Before You come to the Lab BEFORE coming to the lab: Make a photo copy of the lab pages from lab manual Complete ALL the pre-lab requirements before coming to the lab (Do not work on pre-lab during lab time) From the course website: Download the lab’s.asm files and save them onto your own USB drive Download the lab’s cover page, print it and bring it
Lab Cover Page Fill up the top portion only One cover page per group
General Instructions for Labs At the START of the lab: TA check your pre-lab, mark and initial it You will be asked questions to determine your understanding of the pre-lab A demo on the lab will be given at the beginning of the lab by a TA at the beginning of the lab When you finish EACH PART of the lab: Show your work to a TA and have initial on cover page At the END of the lab: TA will ask question to find our your level of understanding on the lab TA will put marks and initial lab-demo section
Report Instructions Submission: Submit all required sections of the lab report. Attach printed copies of codes (commented). Indicate CLEARLY which sections of code you have written. Deadline: Reports are due one week after your lab-day by 4PM in the boxes on the 4th floor of the Mackenzie building near stairs (between first and second blocks). Reports will be returned in your next lab. YOU are responsible for picking up your reports.
Lab Marking Scheme Pre-lab:5 marks Completion+Demo:5 marks Q&A:5 marks Report:10 marks Total:25 marks Late Submission Penalty:-1 marks/day Each lab weighs 4% towards final marks (5 labs) Total lab weighs towards final marks: 20%
Lab # 1 Familiarization with SDK-86
Lab #1 Instructions: Part A Part A: Pre-lab Preparation: Read about: EB,EW,MV,ER,GO instructions in the SDK manual Review memory addressing for the Intel 8086 (ie. Segment:Offset) Gain familiarity with the SDK-86 board View and modify memory and registers
Lab #1 Instructions: Part B,C Part B: Pre-lab Preparation: Encode the necessary instructions with help from the course notes, and the 8086 reference manual. Manually input lab1B.asm into the SDK-86 and execute it. Part C: Pre-lab Preparation: Save lab1B.asm onto a USB drive Assemble, link and download code from the PC to the SDK
Lab #1 Instructions: Part D Part D: Pre-lab Preparation: With help from the 8086 reference manual, implement the WAIT subroutine to wait one second. Bring this code (lab1D.asm) on your USB drive. Demonstrate to the TA that your code (written in the prelab) successfully implements the WAIT subroutine described in the lab manual.
SDK-86 board on desk SDK Board
SDK-86 board: keypad and display Know the ICs mentioned in the manual Keypad SDK display
SDK-86 board: multi-function keys Same key performs different tasks depending on the sequence
Online help al/ al/ See you next week!