2 nd OSE Workshop, Toulouse, 4-5 June 2009 Eric Dombrowsky & Andreas Schiller Kirsten Wilmer-Becker Mike Bell and Pierre-Yves Le Traon Status of GODAE OceanView
2 nd OSE Workshop, Toulouse, 4-5 June 2009 Where do we come from ? GODAE and its International Steering Team (IGST) –A strong, skilled and motivated international group of experts That have pushed international cooperation, share of knowledge, scientific results, and ocean products That have setup coordinated actions, such as the development of GODAE metrics, intercomparison exercise, … That have organized events such as summer schools, symposium, and publication –Engaged at national level in operational oceanography development, with some decision making authority So that decision taken within the IGST are implemented in the national systems –Reporting every year about the progress made National reports, IGST meetings, … And the GODAE systems in operation –USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, China, Europe …
2 nd OSE Workshop, Toulouse, 4-5 June 2009 The GODAE legacy GODAE has contributed to : –Further development of pre-existing operational oceanography capacities (US-Navy, UKMO, …) –The emergence of new (pre) operational capacity (China, Australia, Japan, Canada, Europe…) –The demonstration of usefullness of some corresponding services (oil spill combat, navy acoustics, search and rescue, ocean climate understanding, …) –The design and development of a global observing system (ARGO, altimetry, …) –Demonstrate the feasibility and strength of the integrated approach (from observations to service including forecast, …)
2 nd OSE Workshop, Toulouse, 4-5 June 2009 The needed transition From GODAE assets, there is a need for a push foreward: –The consolidation of the observing system infrastructure –The transition from the demonstration of usefull products to the development of operational services –Bridging more the technology capabilities (push) with the users needs (pull): accuracy Has been presented to, and endorsed by, the GODAE community during the Nice GODAE final symposium –GODAE OceanView paper, round table, …
2 nd OSE Workshop, Toulouse, 4-5 June 2009 Work done since Nice GODAE final Symposium (Nov 2008) GODAE project office continued to work –post symposium activities: proceedings, Oceanography publications, summer school organisation, … –Kirsten, and GODAE co-chairs (Mike and Pierre-Yves) were (are still) very active on these closing activities New chairs (Andreas and Eric) have worked with GODAE chairs (Mike and Pierre-Yves) and the project office (Kirsten) to kickoff Godae OceanView –several teleconf were held, a lot of “ work” –work on ownership, membership, ToRs, scope, funding, links with other groups, preparation of future events, … –Unfortunately, less work on the content: workplan, etc… One expected outcome of kickoff meeting next week –organization of June 09 meetings, …
2 nd OSE Workshop, Toulouse, 4-5 June 2009 GODAE OceanView Science Team CORE ACTIVITIES: A forum where the main operational and research institutions involved in global ocean analysis and forecasting develop collaborations and international coordination. TASK TEAMS: These teams will address specific topics of particular importance to GODAE OceanView that require collaboration with international research programs (e.g. OOPC, CLIVAR, IMBER, SOLAS, WCRP) or other groups (e.g. coastal community). ET-OOFS: Operational aspects related to product harmonization and standardization will be carried out by the JCOMM ET-OOFS.
2 nd OSE Workshop, Toulouse, 4-5 June 2009 Science Team membership General terms The GODAE Ocean Science Team (GOVST) membership should reflect all major activities supported by GODAE Ocean View Preferably limited to 30 members to allow for an efficient and effective operation of the team – need to be inclusive also: new members/countries… The GODAE OceanView Science Team will initially be co-chaired by two of its members New members will be proposed by the chair or co-chairs and are subject to approval by the Science Team itself The term of membership will normally be 5 years but can be extended with the agreement of the chair or co-chairs The chair of ET-OOFS and the chairs of the Task Teams are members of GODAE Ocean View Science Team. Representatives from Argo, GHRSST, OSTST are also ex officio members of the Science Team
2 nd OSE Workshop, Toulouse, 4-5 June 2009 Science Team ToRs (Draft) LEAD and MANAGE the execution of the GODAE OceanView program PROMOTE the development of improved capabilities in ocean analysis and forecasting DEVELOP collaborations and improved communications between the participants in GODAE OceanView EVALUATE scientific and technical developments to optimize the use of knowledge and technology in GODAE OceanView implementation REPORT on national activities related to GODAE OceanView. Maintain an up-to- date description of national capabilities related to ocean analysis and forecasting (national reports) LIAISE with other international programs of interest to, and interested in, GODAE OceanView “decide what to do and do it” rather than “define what should be done and expect it to be done”
2 nd OSE Workshop, Toulouse, 4-5 June 2009 (Initial) Task Teams Intercomparison and Validation [Fabrice Hernandez & Matthew Martin] –Assess the performance, quality and consistency of ocean forecasting and analysis systems. Observing System Evaluation [Peter Oke & Gilles Larnicol] –Assess the impact of obervations on forecasts and analyses and improving the design of the global ocean observing system. (includes developing new approaches). Coastal Ocean and Shelf Seas [Pierre DeMey & Villy Kourafalou] –Assessing and demonstrating the value of GODAE OceanView results for regional,coastal and shelf seas analysis and forecasting systems. (includes coupling open ocean/coastal zone; seamless transition from the open sea down to the coastal zone). Marine Ecosystem Analysis and Prediction Task Team [Pierre Brasseur & Nicolas Gruber] –Developing new strategies for the design and exploitation of analysis and forecasting systems for ecosystem applications. Others to be explored, e.g. coupled data assimilation – NWP community
2 nd OSE Workshop, Toulouse, 4-5 June 2009 Observing System Evaluation GODAE systems are powerful means to – assess the impact of the observing system, – identify gaps and – improve the efficiency/effectiveness of the observing system. OSEs or OSSEs are useful tools which have been applied to –high-resolution ocean forecasting, –seasonal-to-interannual prediction, –climate analysis and reanalysis OSEs are flexible tools that can be used to –examine the impact of observations on a particular application (e.g. surface current forecasts for marine safety applications) –give insight into the effectiveness of the data assimilation systems that are being used.
2 nd OSE Workshop, Toulouse, 4-5 June 2009 GODAE OceanView Science Team Intercomparison And validation Task Team Observing systems evaluation Task Team Coastal ocean and shelf seas Task Team Marine ecosystem Analysis and prediction Task Team JCOMM ET-OOFS Patron’s group
2 nd OSE Workshop, Toulouse, 4-5 June 2009 Next to come Next week (8-10 June) –Launch of GODAE OceanView Science Team –First GOV-ST meeting organized by the GODAE project office and hosted by Mercator Océan (here, same room) –~30 invited people attending –Patrons meeting on Monday Next week (11-12 June) –ET-OOFS meeting organized by Gary Brassington, and hosted by Mercator Océan (next building, second floor) –Second face-to-face meeting of the team (after Nice) –~20 invited people attending –One meeting objective is to review interaction with GODAE OceanView Work on defining the GODAE OceanView 4-year plan –Coordinated with ET-OOFS under JCOMM IOC/WMO flagship