Preserves the pioneering technologies and enterprises of New York's Southern Tier. Engages visitors in understanding the regional advances in technology that enhance the quality of life throughout the world Educates visitors on the individuals, resources, and cultures that gave rise to the rich heritage in innovation in our region. Inspires visitors, students, teachers, the workforce, and the com- munity at large to continue to innovate for economic growth. Tech Works! will be a center that:
Replace one story addition (SW corner) with at-grade entrance, glass curtain wall, solar thermal panels, metal sunscreens as needed Retain brick stairwell as fire exit from second floor (right center) Glass-in porch (SE corner) for kinetic exhibit & giant video screen Stucco & solar ivy on E facade to visually unify construction eras. Existing south façade Proposed south facade Preliminary Concept Sketch Bucher Borges Group - 9/ 2011
Final Phase - Replace metal Butler Building with Shuttle Simulator under glass
Final Phase - Replace metal Butler Building with Shuttle Simulator under glass First Phase - Rehab 4,000 sf of 2 nd floor for IBM Endicott collection Second Phase - Rehab remainder of 2 nd Floor as archives, offices, collection management, terrace and café with river views
$ per# visitors VisitorJobs visitorper year spendinggenerated Residents23,272 TechWorks!$10$232,7209 FT, 6 PT Day Trip visitors22,764 TechWorks!$10$227,6409 FT, 6 PT $ in community$45$1,024,38025 Overnight visitors25,252 TechWorks!$10$252,5209 FT, 6 PT $ in community$169$4,267,58875 Annual Totals 71,288 TechWorks! revenue$712,8809 FT, 6 PT $ spent in community$5,291, $6,004, jobs Data Source 2011 movie $, Greater Binghamton CVB Consult Econ Market Potential Study, 2006 Consult Econ Study, 2006; NYS Dept. of Labor, 2011 TechWorks! Economic Impact
SE Corner Porch - Kinetic exhibit of manufacturing processes temporary display to change over time, e.g., Pick & place electronic components (Universal) Carroll Press printing punch cards (IBM) Bending "bill till holders" (E H Titchener) Moving pkgs (Binghamton Materials Handling, Raymond) etc.
Imagination Zone - Entrance Experience that expands the mind & points the way to other experiences. All visitors use inside ramp up to main Level.
Hall of Enterprise Stories and artifacts showcasing pioneering advances by inventors & Southern Tier companies
NASA Shuttle Simulator Under Glass Visitors ride a Raymond Side- loader to cockpit
Candidate for replacement with modern structure to accommodate NASA's Shuttle Simulator and Raymond side loader for visitor access In the interim, Hardwiring our Innovative Legacy interactive murals BU-SOM Pricewaterhouse Cooper Scholars proposed project. Interactive murals – technology history